Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our Christmas....(cont'd).

Yikes!! I'm running kind of behind. I decided I needed to go ahead and finish posting about Christmas since tomorrow will be next year! (that sounds kind of odd to say, huh?) Anyway- this past Saturday, we went to my mom's house for Christmas. Parker was, of course, inundated with many many more gifts!

My mom and Terry gave her this new iron and ironing board...

"Oh wait...let's pick this thing up and move it since I am such a big girl!"
She seemed to kind of know what she was doing eventhough she may have only seen her momma use the real thing only once in her life. But nonetheless...she seems to be a pro.

But really- she would have been just as happy with the box that it came in because she loves sitting on things that are just her size...

As a matter of fact....we could have just given her wrapped boxes...

This is a quilt that my Granny had made and gave to my mom this year. Parker seemed to really enjoy it as well...for when it was just laying on the ground...this is what Parker did....

(nice shot, eh?) hehe

And this is the Busy Zoo. I really like this thing because there are a lot of different activities to do that Parker enjoys now....other aspects that a younger baby would enjoy...and then sometimes I even think that there are things about it that she will enjoy when she even a little older. So thumbs up!

So here she had had enough of opening presents....she just wanted to lay back and "text" on the phone... (she gets this from watching her Aunt Sister)

I'm going to take a moment to point out her eyelashes. I love them. I am in awe of her eyelashes. They are so full and long. Unfortunately, she does not get these from me. Geoff's are very full and long like hers (I am sure that he loves that I am talking about how full and long his eyelashes are, but oh well...) And maybe all baby's eyelashes are this way, but I hope hers stay!

So here's the new bubble maker thingie that my mom and Terry gave her....
...And this is the picture of her with the bubble maker before we turned it on.....

...And this is after...

Poor baby!! She did not like those bubbles!!! So she ended up climbing out of the tub and into my lap for about 5 minutes. We did turn them off, but that wasn't good enough. Geoff had to take it out of the bathroom. For some reason...he decided to take it outside...
He said it kept the dog away from the door so she wouldn't scratch it....

And here's another bath toy that my sister gave her (she gave her quite a few, actually), and I just wanted to share this because I think it's a really neat toy. It's a water slide and these little animals float down....

So onto Sunday night....Mac and Marilyn (my in-laws) came over to celebrate with us. They also showered Parker (and us) with gifts!

Here is Parker's Elmo doll for the tub...

They also gave her this bouncy pony, and I am ashamed to admit that we do not even have a picture of her on it....we're such slackers...

And then this school bus...she really likes this thing....

Only she was disappointed that she couldn't also get into the bus....
(here she is with one foot in the door...and then after she got that foot in...she put her other foot in the window and fell backwards on her bottom...)

So needless to say...we had a very eventful, fun, overwhelming, tiring week. We are so blessed to have so many friends and family... and an added bonus is that we all live relatively close!

Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 Calendar.

A couple of months ago, Geoff and I got this hair-brained idea to make a calendar for all of our parents. I had initially thought that we would just use pictures of Parker from throughout the year. But no....that would be too simple. We decided to hold separate "photo sessions" for each month so that Parker would be relatively the same age/look in all of the pictures. So we stayed up late one night with a pen and paper and jotted down all of the themed ideas for each month. We were pretty detailed. We even began making a list of all the props that we would need for all of these "photo sessions" and began collecting them. When we had a free Saturday or Sunday and a baby in a decent mood, we'd take some pictures. Then when she'd nap or go down for the night, I'd be editing away at the computer (I don't think this had anything to do with the B's I made this semester or anything like that...haha). Anyway- it ended up that we ran out of time to have all of our plans come to fruition. So some of the months are just random pictures that we have taken along the way, and then some are themed for the actual month. Some of them I love, and some of them I am not a big fan of, but Christmas kind of snuck up on us, so I had to settle (there's always next year, right?). I just thought I'd share these with you all because a lot of sweat and tears (literally) poured into this calendar.....but honestly...we had a lot of fun doing it!










(she did not like it when I shoved her hands in that icing!!!)




Sunday, December 28, 2008

We got a Wii!

It was a surprise gift from my mom and stepdad. We were really excited about it. This is something that Geoff and I have talked about that it would be neat if we had one...but due to being busy with Parker and school and was never anything that was close to being a priority. Last night after Parker went to bed, we played a little tennis and golf. It was nice spending some time together doing something other than just sitting around watching TV. We also did this Wii Fitness challenge...which is where we had to hit 50 tennis balls and swing the bat at a ball 10 times, and then knock down some pins with a bowling ball. It's basically testing you on your ability to play the even says to "practice everyday" to make your Wii Fitness score better. OK- drum roll please....Geoff's Wii Fitness age was 50...and mine was 72!!! I guess we need a lot of Wii practice!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas isn't quite over yet...

What an experience!! It was so fun Christmas morning watching Parker "discover" her new toys. The one that we were the most excited about was her Little Tikes police car. When she stayed with Ms. Alissa while I was in school, Parker was able to play with her boys' car...which she absolutely we knew (or at least assumed) that she would love her own little car. This is the car that when I would arrive to pick her up, she would often get into the car and away from me! It wasn't very nice!! Anyhow- I couldn't wait to see her face and how she would react. She had just woken up...I changed her diaper, but she was still a bit groggy (like her daddy is for about the first 2 hours he's awake) I brought her into the living room, and let her see her new car. Once she saw it, she walked up to it almost immediately...opened the door and made a squeal...

Ooops!! She dropped her "lovey".....tragic (I'm sure)!

This is hilarious to she props up her right leg. She does this when she sits in her pink chair or even in her booster seat if the tray is not on. So I guess her car would be no different...

She played around in the car for a while before realizing there were a few other toys that we had put out. Right here she had just spotted her train set thingie...


" what is that??".......

She couldn't hold the smile in any longer!!
So here she has barely touched her tain set thingie...when she spots something new. You can see it in her face, "Hmmmmmm.....what's that??"

Her new piano!!! (why do I feel like I am announcing new things like I am on the Price is Right as I type this??)

For about the first 10 minutes she was a little confused as to where she should go....I mean...there was just so much to do!

Here she is even playing her piano while still half-way in the car.

Her Aquadoodle pad....

Just a cute little picture (in my unbiased opinion)...

(what's up with her tongue sticking out??)

Here she is helping Daddy open his present from me....

And this is the round tin thingie that Daddy's watch came in....that is actually being showcased on the blog because she almost enjoyed this as much as her actual gifts!!

Ummm....I don't think this is how the Sit 'n Spin thing is supposed to work....but we're working on it, and she looks cute nonetheless. The important thing here is that this is a very loud musical toy with no stop/OFF or volume button. Gotta love those toys!!

So we enjoyed our morning at home, and then visited my dad's house for lunch. I must say, Parker was very well- behaved for the busy,busy day and no nap! She might have made up for it today with a "little" of bit of her whining...but I'll take it!! We had a really good day. I know this is Parker's second Christmas, but in some ways, it felt like her first.

This is the laptop that her Papaw and Gran got her. She loves it!! It's really too old for her as far as the games that are on it to play, but it is great pretend play for her now! I know she has such a serious face on in this picture, but look at her cute little hand on the mouse and her other hand on the keyboard. This toy also makes lots of noise, which helps in the entertainment area! (But I do have to kind of watch her with this it wasn't doing what she wanted it to do--(whatever that was)---and she started throwing a huge fit and throwing it around. So I put the mini-laptop in a little time-out and we were all good after that...)

And look at this bag!! It's too cute!! Her Aunt Kasey and Uncle Brian gave her this!

And she loved it, too! She carried this around for a good 20 minutes...

And then this is from this morning....her little smerk in her little car that she loves (with her little rag doll, of course)....

Her little foot propped up, as always....

Now this....this makes me laugh....she is trying to pull all of the decals off of her car. The one in the picture below is stuck on there pretty good...she can't get it off...and it makes her mad....

But these head lights....

...she can get this off.....

....and I guess she likes it better somewhere else????

So Christmas isn't quite over for us yet. Due to the fact that we didn't want to be going from place to place on Christmas day, and the fact that Geoff has been working so much lately, and that we all seem to have different schedules and such...we are going to my mom's tomorrow for Christmas, and then Geoff's dad and his wife will be joining us for dinner at our house on Sunday evening. We are looking forward to spending the time with our families.

Now....I think it might be time for a garage sale to make room for all of Parker's new things! Our little ole house is busting at the seams!!