Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grace's 6 month "hicc-up"

Grace had her 6 months check-up this afternoon. And so this morning I told Parker that we were going to take her to the doctor.

She replied with, "Uh-huh. Because she is soooooo sick!"

I said, "She's not sick. She just has to have a check-up....where the doctor is going to listen to her heart with a stethoscope and she's going to get a little shot."

Later in the morning...we heard Geoff's alarm go off. I told her Daddy was up so let's go see him.

She ran in there....said, "Daddy! Get up!"

Then she said, "We have to take baby Grace to the doct-uw today because she has the hiccups!"
Geoff said, "Baby Grace has the hiccups?"
I laughed and said, "No baby....Grace doesn't have the hicc-ups....we have to go for her check-up!"

6 month stats:

Height: 26.25 inches (75th percentile)...

Weight: 15lbs 7.5 ounces (50th percentile)....

She has not grown in length at all since her 4 month visit...and she has only gained just under a pound! The doctor said she wasn't concerned at this point since she has been a solely breastfed baby....but if we continue to see her growth curve go down...then we might get concerned. I think adding in foods should help this. 4 months....she was still eating 1-2 times at night. We have now cut out the night feedings {most of the time}. So...I am not really worried about this at all. In addition (and not that this matters)....but Parker's stats were about the same at her 6 month visit... weighing 15 lbs, 4oz...and 26 inches tall.

So here are a few pictures from our visit.....

Staring intently at herself in the mirror.

I took similar pictures like this at her 2 week visit. My, how she's changed!

And this little missy was SO good all day long. So very proud of her! While there....she needed to change Lovey's diaper and Lovey needed a shot, too....and Lovey needed to be measured and weighed! Anyway....she got a special treat from Sonic after we left!

Back at home.....we lounged around....played with our toys....and watched Toy Story. I took a few pictures.

Grace got a shot in each leg.....and one vaccine was given by mouth. She cried exactly 1.002 seconds after the first injection occurred....which is typical. And exactly 1.002 seconds after picking her up....she stopped crying. This is what I was hoping for!!

Hello, Mommy!

How about some good ole tasty feet? Anybody???

They entertained her for a good 15 minutes. ;)

The pediatrician also suggested that I just buy her baby food instead of make it..... because the baby food making people have the 'perfect' consistency figured out...and that babies generally like that food better. I am a bit skeptical....only because I really do think that these fresh purees are probably better for you than the baby food that is in the jar/plastic package with all of its preservatives and such. Right?

But at the same homemade baby food isn't doing the trick....she does not like it! She spits it out...gags. Nothing! And she really does need to start eating more than just my milk! She also mentioned that maybe I could just buy her baby food now...and then once she gets a little better at eating.... I could switch back to mine.

I do plan on buying her food....however...I did not have a chance to make it to the store this I thought I'd give my apple/squash mixture one more try and put it in my magic bullet with a little more water and just puree the heck out of it.

Don't you think this looks like the store bought kind?

Nice and smooth?

Don't let this grin fool you! She spit out almost everything I put in her mouth! least there was no gagging this time!! Ha!

I love this photo. Her face. Her eyes looking up at me. I snapped this right as I was about to pick her up out of the booster seat. I just wish it was in focus! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Splish, SPLASH!!

This is a video taken a couple of nights ago of the girls in the bath together. Grace has been in the big girl tub at Aunt Sis's house.....but this was the first time that I bathed them together here at home.

If you have a minute....I believe this video is sure to make you smile. Sometimes I feel like I love these girls more and more each day (even though I feel like I love them more than anything already!)....and I love that they are sisters and that will have each other growing up. I seriously have these moments when I just smile and get a tear in my eye. Maybe I am getting to be a softy as I age?

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Come Monday.....

As the week passes....I get increasingly excited for the weekend to come. I look forward to seeing Geoff more.....and with that.....usually comes more help with the girls!

But as it turns out.....come Monday I am so worn out from the weekend. Does this happen to you??

Starting Friday.....we fried okra from our garden. It was so so so very good! Just picked 5 more this morning and looking forward to it again this weekend! Yum!

It was a good Friday. Nothing too hectic.

Saturday came.

5:45- Grace up and ready to start the day.
0700- Parker up. Grace down for her nap. Got Parker and myself ready....took her to get donuts....then off to Target.
08:50- Home from Target.
0900- Parker feels it necessary to go into Grace's room, get into her crib with her (yes- Grace was still sleeping!!) that she can give her her Lovey????
0901- Grace up about 30 minutes early from her nap.

After that...I lost track of time.

My uncle had given us some butternut squash....and I have been saving it to make Grace some nutrient-rich, FREE baby food!

And, of course, I got the bright idea to do it on this day. It is very simple, really.....but honestly- I do believe that next time I will do all baby food making after the girls are in bed!!

I use the instructions from Wholesome Baby Food to make the baby food.

Cut in half lengthwise.

Scoop out seeds!

Place face down in a baking dish and bake on 400 for about 40 minutes.

Get out of the oven....spoon out the 'meat.'

From here, I just mashed it all in a bowl....then spooned it into ice cube trays. After it froze....I popped them out to store in freezer bags.

I also made baby food applesauce. I made some cubes full of just apples, just butternut squash, and some with an apple-squash combo.

I got this new dish brush while at Target....and Parker fell in love. Seriously. This was her favorite toy on Saturday. She felt compelled to brush her sisters legs and feet? Good thing is...Grace didn't seem to mind. ;)

Grace is now sitting in her big girl booster seat during meals!

Then I made some strawberry ice cream to take to a bbq at a friend's house that was supposed to start 5:30pm....and by 5pm...I had still not showered for the day! So needless to say....I did not make it to the bbq (so very sorry Kelley!)....but did end up with 6 quarts of strawberry ice cream all to myself. Just what I need.

So Saturday was just one of those days.....that the house ended up looking like this. And stayed looking like this until I got the girls in bed. And in all honesty....that laundry basket, plus one more, is sitting in my living room as I type, with clean clothes, ready to be folded and put away.

Sunday was church.....then we went to my mom's to do some sewing. Parker hung out with her Poppa all afternoon....while Grace hung out with us.

This is the newest dress we've made. I am hoping to take Grace's 6 month pictures in it tomorrow morning!! Wish me luck!

Needless to say.....

Come Monday
.....I'm just ready to spend some good ole time at home with my my pjs.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Letter of the Week: M is for Mommy!!

This week (or rather....the past 2 weeks)....we have done the letter M is for Mommy!! We took 2 weeks for this letter because a) we've been busy, b) I found so many activities....I had trouble narrowing them down, and c) I have about decided that we need to work on the same letter over a 2 weeks period for now.

I am not sure where I got this exact idea.....I am thinking it was Confessions of a Homeschooler (great blog, by the way,...will talk more about that later, though!).

M is for Marshmallow. I drew my own M and m on separate sheets of paper....and she glued the Marshmallows on. She loved this she was able to squirt out so. much. glue. ;)

The kind of funny part was that......she really loved the little m. Once I put the little m in front of her....she had nothing to do with the big M?

This was her finished big M...

And this was her little m. See what I mean?? ;)

M is for Mosaic!! I got this idea from Counting Coconuts here.

I made the M....then drew 1 inch squares....then cut 1 inch squares.....then let her glue them on with her glue stick. Again......she had the most fun playing with the glue! ;)

M is for Marble!! I also got this idea from Counting Coconuts here.

I drew a big M....then let her roll the Marbles in the paint....then paint the big M with the Marbles.

I think this had to be my favorite part of the week! And maybe hers, too.


I ordered this Magnet does have small it is a choking hazard.....but we stay with her when she is using it...and she is not allowed to take anything from the table!

M is for Magnet!

I didn't really get into how and why a Magnet works with her (not really sure I know all of the logistics about it anyway)......but she did have so much fun sticking the magnets together....pulling them apart.....and even trying to put them together and couldn't when the poles were the same (which she had no idea why) ....but thats when they would move without being touched!

Anyway.....I feel like it was a good investment ($14.99).....I see us using this in the future.....for example....taking a magnet around the house and finding things that are magnetic.....I remember doing that in school myself.

You can see it in her face how much fun she had. And I had fun watching her learn and discover.

She said...."Look Mommy! It's a train!"

M is for M&M!! This next 'experiment' was an idea that I found from Confessions of a Homeschooler.....and is found at Candy Experiments.

You take M&Ms.

And place them in a cup of water.

Let them set. The colored coating on the M&M is water-soluble (dissolves in water).....whereas....the m is not (will not dissolve in water).

So we waited for all of the color to come off.....

And for the letter m to float to the top!! She was interested because this activity involved M&Ms.....while Geoff and I really learned something! Ha!

Making Muffins!!!

Her Milk and Muffins!

We also made Monkey bread!! She was definitely into eating the cinnamon-sugar mixture more than anything else....

Look at this oohey- gooy Mess! ;)

All done!


I got a new Music CD with fun kid Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes....and Mary had a little lamb, etc. But her favorite music these days are Sunday school songs like...Father Abraham and If You're Happy and You Know It and Jesus Loves Me. She goes around singing these all. day. long. It is really so sweet to hear, though.

Here....we are listening to her Music and she is 'dancing'. I have to smile (and kind of laugh) as I look through these pictures because I was just snapping away....and you can basically see how her movements went....

Maybe we need dance lessons?? ;)


This next section consists of printables I got from Confessions of a Homeschooler. They are wonderful, to say the very least. Her site offers at least 1,500 free downloads full of letter of the week ideas and much, much more. She even has a great offer where you get all of her downloads for $10. It is money well spent, I will tell you!! She is a graphic designer and her stuff is amazing. Did I already say that?

Here is the big M and little m sort....

The first time we did it....she got a little confused and tried to match the m&m piece with the correct colored m&m on the paper. But after we did it together....she did it perfectly later in the week.

With this pattern can use real m&ms....or you can cut out the paper m&ms that she provides for this pattern activity....

Here....she is so proud of herself and we are cheering her on....

There are a few other printable activities we did from Confessions of a Homeschooler. Seriously....go visit this won't be sorry you did!


Visit 1+1+1=1 too see what other moms are doing with their tots!

Visit Confessions of a Homeschooler for tons and tons of printables and so many neat ideas!!

I am also linked to The Attached Mama's
The Attached Mama's Alphabet Craft Collection