Monday, January 31, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Today is my first day to participate in an actual "Muffin Tin Monday." I have used the muffin tin idea before...mostly for snacks. But I am excited to be joining in today, and hoping to get some more ideas of healthy and fun things to feed my girls!

Last night- Geoff and I ate leftovers from the weekend, but I made the girls 'muffin tins' of some of their favorite foods.

Parkers: sliced apples, a pancake (It's actually frozen because when we make them- we make extra to freeze. Parker now only likes to eat them frozen?), Skittles (For after she ate her apples and chicken, which she minded SO well and I was so proud of her. Not one argument!), chicken nuggets, and ketchup.

For Grace: I didn't have another actual tin, so I just used the square muffin silicone cups and then placed them in a square tupperware container. Her cups are filled with: mixed vegetable medley (instead of boiling the vegetables in one cup of water, I added a chicken bouillon cube for flavoring, and although she did not eat them....I tasted them and they are much better this way!), a few crackers, cut up apple slices, and yogurt.

This little one ate really well....almost all of her apples and chicken....and a few bites of the pancake. All of her Skittles, of course. But she would never sit still for me to snap a this is as good as it gets!

Grace was actually my 'not-so-good' eater! She was excited to eat and hold the cracker all by herself. She ate all of the yogurt.....a few bites of her apples......and I think one bite of the veggies! My 'good eater' has not been so 'good' these past few days. I knew it would happen sooner or later. I was just hoping for a little bit later!

I heart faces.

This is my first time participating in I Heart Faces. I've seen their button on several blogs.....but for some reason it never clicked in my head to actually participate!

This week is "People's Choice Voting"....and we could choose our favorite face photo from the month. And of the almost 1,000 pictures I took this month.....I chose this photo that I took while playing at the park this past Saturday.

Geoff was pushing both girls on the swing....taking turns between the two. And in this shot....he is actually pushing Grace. And Parker is genuinely smiling, while looking at her daddy. It's like her face is showing the love and admiration she already has for him.

When I was first looking through our pictures of the day....tears actually came to my eyes when I saw this one. I realize it might not have the same effect on all, but to hit me somewhere deep within. Definitely one of my favorites!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Unseasonably Warm

We had a rocky start to our morning yesterday. You know....just one of those morning's where everyone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed....and nobody can say or do anything right?

Well- that was our morning.

And it was a shame because it was such a beautiful day!

But through all that.....we finally decided to get out of the house and take a trip to the zoo. The weather was in the 70s....and our friend's Megan and Jeff had taken a family trip to the zoo earlier in the week that looked like loads of fun. In addition...our almost 3 and a half year old and never been to the zoo! So we are past due!

Well- apparently- every other person in our area thought it was a great idea to go to the zoo, as well! When we got there- all parking lots were closed....and they finally told us to park on the street (where there was a 'No Parking Anywhere' sign).....and decided just to head back home.

This was all par for our day at this point.

But we were determined to have some fun somehow. So we came back to town and headed to the park. Again- we knew it'd be busy- but on a smaller scale! And there was parking. Ha!

Parker had fun running around, of course. But I think both of the girls' favorite thing to do was swing......

But not just swing.......Geoff would stand in front of them and pretend like they were hitting him......and they LOVED. IT. They were just laughing and laughing. It's just so hilarious to them when they think we are hurting ourselves??? I'm sure anyone else who was watching this going on thought it was pretty funny, too.

Here is a little video showing just how much and how hard they laughed. They could not get enough! And it was that deep, uncontrollable, belly laugh. Precious and priceless.

After the park, we had an early dinner at Chili's....then ran through the Braum's drive through for a banana split and chocolate shake. Daddy was nice to share with his girls.

It cracks us up how wide Grace will open her mouth for a small bite of the ice cream...

I know this picture accidentally focused on the banana split, but I love her smile in it....

It was an early bedtime for the girls, as they (and us, too!) were worn out. All in all- we ended up having a pretty good day!

Now....I think we have below freezing wind chills in our forecast this week????

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Phone Photos from the week.

As I've mentioned before- Geoff and Kristin will send me pictures throughout the days while I am at work. And I cannot say enough how much I enjoy these.

So much- in fact- that I feel the need to post them here so that I'll have them forever. ;)

Here are last week's photos....

Little Turkey! Doesn't nap at home! (from Kristin's phone)
But honestly- I don't really want her to nap because whether she naps 30 minutes or 1 usually pushes bedtime back by 1-2 hours. However- since I have gone back to work....she has seemed to be more tired. I feel terrible about, but don't know what to do. She has a sound machine in her room now....we thought this might help her stay asleep in the morning if Grace wakes up before her. But then it seemed like she was sleeping less well. So we stopped....she continued to sleep 'bad.' Kristin suggested letting her nap again....but then- she really doesn't 'need' the nap everyday. So any suggestions are welcome?

Geoff will usually include a caption. These next two were sent with the caption, "I love you Mommy!"

On Thursday morning- I left the house with that nagging feeling of "what am I forgetting???".

About 10 minutes from work...I realized I forgot to take Grace's carseat out of my car! So long story short....Kristin ended up picking the girls up that day because she has and extra car seat....and Geoff has one alas....they made 3 total carseats....leaving Grace to sit in a forward facing seat! Kristin said she kept saying, 'Uh-oh!'. How funny!

Kristin said that Parker wanted her picture taken, too.

This caption read, "The beautiful bride". This dress is from when she was the flower girl in my friend, Emily's, wedding and she says this is her wedding dress.

And this caption read, 'Dr. Grace, M.D.' .
She loves to sit in this chair. She feels like a 'big' girl.

This caption read, "Just like mommy (she wore them on her own) so funny!"

I think this might be my favorite 'photo series' (complete with captions)

"Grace threw a big fit cause she wanted to wear heals...."

'.....on for the moment'

'....happy for the moment! All that mattered.'

Photos from Kristin: The girls were able to play outside on Friday due to this nice weather!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our Family PIctures 2010

This past October- we had our family pictures taken by my friend from college (the first time I went to college at Baylor), Anna, who is the owner and photographer for Laughlin House Photography. I have already shared a few photos she took of us on here previously- but I wanted to dedicate a post to sharing a few of the others.

This session was waaaaay overdue! We had not had 'family pictures' done since Parker's 1 year pictures. You see- when I got my DSLR back in July of 2007- I had promised Geoff that I would take our own 'professional' pictures. And while my pictures are far from professional.....they suffice. And this has saved us a great deal of money.

But in the meantime- I have missed out on some nice family shots over the past 2 years! Makes me kind of sad to think about- but not going to mull about it now. Just going to try really hard to make it happen now. I get caught up with how I look and how I want to lose weight and what to wear....but really- if I wait until I get to the moment where I think "Man- I think I'm going to look good in these pictures"......uummmm....I think I might never get our pictures taken. Ha!

So in forcing myself to step in front of the camera- I get these lasting memories of how our family was in that time period. Because Lord knows it won't stay this way for long! And I think the girls will appreciate it, too.

Anna was so great to work with. It turned out to be pretty chilly morning- yet she was so patient with us and all of the tending we had to do with the girls (to get both of them to smile....and to help keep Grace from crying every time we sat her down!).

Here is her website.....and here is her Facebook fan page-where you can see many of the beautiful photographs that she takes! You should definitely check her out if you are in the area!

I'm already thinking that we need to do another session before it's been a year because they change so much!! And maybe before it gets too hot!