Friday, July 27, 2012

making breakfast, ABCs, and making brownies

This is a pretty random post.  Just pictures out of my camera from the past week.
I feel like I've kind of been in a rut with taking pictures so I've been trying to make an effort.
So here's to a little effort....

Making waffles with Parker one morning before Grace got up.  Little stinker thought she was so funny (and she was, I suppose)....I asked her to smile and she made this pose....

We are currently in the process of refinancing our house (will be SO glad when this is over!).  I sat down to sign some papers...and Parker quickly grabbed her notepad and pen...and she signed her paper when I signed mine.  ;)

I had to get one of this little gal, too!

I haven't been very good about doing activities with the girls lately.  And on this particular day- I guess I didn't really do an activity.  But I did do a little assessment (found from Confessions of a Homeschooler) to see if parker really knows her letters (upper and lower case).  I thought she did....and I haven't really been too worried.  Yes- she's 4.  Yes- she's almost 5.  But she'll just be in pre-k this coming year.  And then I let this fear creep up...and I started wondering if she is really behind?  And maybe she is....but knowing that she could identified her letters made me feel better on that day.  (now that I write this time we'll do the sounds...haha)

Little Miss dancing around with Ken and Belle Barbie....

On Wednesday I had my great Aunt Pauline over for dinner.  She brought us a box of brownies.....and so I made 'em.  ;)
I let the girls lick the bowl.  And this little gal would stick her whole hand in the bowl to wipe the sides clean and then placed her whole hand in her mouth!

Parker said, "Mommy?!  Grace is putting her whole hand in the bowl to lick and getting it all!"  Aunt Pauline and I laughed at the same time.  Grace has got it figured out!  haha

Aunt Pauline ended up giving Parker some pointers....and led her to a bit of batter left on the sides of the bowl....

Thursday, July 26, 2012


I have quite a few things to blog about...nothing too special....just our everyday things.  It gets a little overwhelmedwhen I get behind just because if I let too much time go by...I'll never do it.

So here's just a tidbit of what's been going on over here the past few weeks...

We replaced our original pendant light that came with the house with this one from Ikea.  There are some really pretty ones I've seen in various places...but they are usually $100+.  So I got this one for $25.  I know you get what you pay for....and so it's not as nice and probably won't last as long.  But I like it for now.  It fits right in with our turquoise table I think.

A random picture that Parker (or Grace, I suppose) took of Payton one day when they were playing here and snuck away with my phone.  So funny.  If you know Payton- you know that she was 'smiling' for the camera (not that she always smiles like this....but just imagining them in Parker's room playing and acting grown up and taking pictures).  

Little outfits I made for my sweet little primary baby at work before she went home.  I made them for her 'first year' of holidays....

Craft time one afternoon with the girls....

One day last week Geoff took the girls to visit his dad....they played putt-putt and rode these little go carts.  Parker thought it was pretty neat to get to do this!

Wednesday morning.  
Lazy morning with my oldest gal.  
Sitting in my lap...snuggling.... watching a show while I perused the internet....drinking my cup of coffee....and waiting for my youngest gal to wake.

And tonight....driving home from a visit to Waco to visit a good friend from college.  I thought the girls would go to sleep quickly.  They played and played.  But instead....didn't get to sleep til over an hour into the ride!  And when little miss finally made it to sleep...she had put her shades on.  Love this girl. 
{more on our trip later!}

 And my newest favorite thing to eat.  My friend, Jodie, introduced me the other day to: toast with avocado and salt. (luckily I had already picked up some avocado at the store before I even knew about this!)  So yum.  Seriously.  Can't wait til breakfast tomorrow to have another!


life rearranged

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Grace @ 2 and a half.

Today- Grace is 2 and a half years old.  {gasp}

Before I know it she'll be 3 and I just can't get over it.

I'll stop at need to go on and on and on about how fast this time flies with our precious little ones.'s what Grace is up to these days....

-I think we may be {reluctantly} phasing out her afternoon nap. She would probably go down pretty easily every 2-3 days...but then- she'll have a random day when she won't want to nap at all.  So sometimes I'll still put her down...but then she's not ready for bed by my early bedtime. ;)  Parker's really ready for bed by 7:30-8:00 because she doesn't nap (and doesn't really need one)....but IF Grace naps- then she's not ready for bed til 9:00.  Just haven't quite figured out what the best thing for everyone is...

-We have tried putting her in a big girl bed...and after the first successful night of her staying in bed ...her older sister did not.  And the second night in her big girl bed....she ended up in our bed.  And the third night in her big girl bed....both of them ended up in our bed.

That next day the bunk beds were reassembled and she was back in her crib.  ;)

-So she goes to bed around 7:15-7:30 and usually sleeps until anywhere between 7:30-8:45 (she really needs to sleep later if she's not going to nap!)

Sweet girl.

-She wears a size 2T clothes (IF I can get her to wear anything besides her leotard or tutu!)...but I think it won't be long until she is in 3T because some of the 2T are a little snug and short.

-Potty trained. {99.5% of the time}  Still wears a pull-up to bed.

-Umm...what else?  I suppose I have hit the hi-lights!  She's just a ball of energy and so full of life!  Not a day goes by that I am with them that I don't stop in my tracks for at least a moment.... and am just amazed by them.  Still can't believe they are mine.  And how so blessed I am to be their mother.  Just love them beyond measure.  There really are no words.

Monday, July 9, 2012

two big girl beds....

So we bit the bullet tonight.

Parker has had bunk beds for a while (can't find a picture of them....  may not have ever taken one!).  Anyway- bed time has somewhat become a bit of a chore with me rocking Grace (something I chose to do about 6 months ago to hold on to her being a baby for just a tad longer)...and then me laying with Parker each night until she falls asleep (usually 5-10 minutes).  It was basically 2 different rituals.....taking me way too long.  I thought that maybe if we went ahead and put them in the same room with a night light....they'd have each other and our new rule would be no rocking and no laying with them.

Our plan has been for Grace to stay in her crib until she is 4 (I kid.  Sorta.)  And then for Parker to move to the top bunk and Grace to the bottom.  Well- Parker didn't want to move- which is totally fine and probably for the we just separated the 2.  We still need to rearrange the headboards and footboards to be in correct placement for twin beds...but we decided to leave it this way for now because Grace would have the rails for a bit.  I also need to fix their lights and a few other things need to go up on their walls.  OH- and they still need comforters/quilts of some sort!  Slowly but surely we'll get there.  I hope.

We did our bedtime routine as usual....

All tucked in snug as a bug!

 Parker cried for me for a bit.  I went in there and she wanted me to lay with her.  I firmly told her no and then Grace started crying....saying she didn't want Parker to wake her up.  So I told Parker again- please stop crying so that you don't wake Grace up.  I left the room and heard not another sound.

It's now 35 minutes later and so far so good.  We'll see.....

Friday, July 6, 2012

who is this??

I gave this picture to Grace today and asked, "who is this?"

At first she said, "Me!"  
Then quickly said, "Dat's Momma!"

So funny.  At first glance...she thought it was her!

I tried to get a good pic to compare, and this one doesn't really illustrate my point...but the faces that Grace makes...the way she cuts her eyes....really reminds me of me when I was a girl (not that I remember exactly what I looked like, but from pictures that I see).

And just one more of me when I was probably 18 months or so...

They may look a little bit like me....but at times....they do look just like their daddy, too.

I did a whole 'resemblance' post with Parker a few years's kind of crazy to see how much they both look like both of us!  All part of the miracle of life.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

On Sunday before church we were all dressed and ready a little early because I wanted to get some pictures of the girls in their outfits (the mere fact that we were dressed and ready to go early is worth a post in and of itself.....especially on a Sunday!).  Parker is actually wearing the one I made her last year and it took me so long to make....I really needed her to get 2 wears out of it.  The pants were a little tight, so I let them out a little bit in the crotch and legs and they fit perfect.  Hopefully I'll get 2 more wears out of this with Grace!  Haha!

We tried to get one of both girls with Geoff, but Grace was not having it...

*Photo by Parker.  Not too bad!

Thankful to live in this country!  I know it has it's flaws, but truly feel so blessed and proud to be an American and wouldn't want to be anywhere else!  Thankful for all those who fought and sacrificed their lives to make it this way.


Linking up to Sew Many Ways

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Momma ! ! ! ! ! !

Today is Marla's Birthday.  In honor of this wonderful day I decided to do a post.  I more so decided to do this because she didn't want anything for her birthday...but I couldn't just sit here and do nothing!!

We decided to bake mommy a Happy Birthday donut cake!!  The girls were very excited!!

I let them put in all of the ingredients and then they took turns mixing all of them..

As you can see, Grace can't seem to keep her hands out of the batter.  

Of course both girls had to lick the batter when we were done!!

These molds are pretty cool.  They're made of silicon.  We used the extra attachment mold to make a reservoir to hold nothing but chocolate.

I then made them a special 4th of July lunch mainly because Marla gets a kick outta that kinda stuff.  She is the creative one in the family, but me...I just cut off the crust.  The peanut butter sandwich was cut using little star shapes.

Once the cake cooked, we took it out, filled up the chocolate (sorry but I didn't get a picture of that.  Just picture a cream filled donut in your head and that is what's pictured below).

All I did for the frosting was heat it up in the microwave so it was nice and runny and then poured it on.  Again, Grace had to have a lick.

The finished product...

I know Marla won't care to much for this part, but I let them eat a lot of the leftover chocolate.  Sorry mom, but it's your birthday and they wanted to celebrate early!!

This is Marla's kid...

Happy birthday momma, we love you so very much and we thank you for all that you do for us!!!!

(This is what we used.  I'd have layer this blog out a little better but I'm no pro like Marla!!)