Sunday, March 23, 2014

making memories

This past Friday…we loaded up the minivan with our kids and niece, Payotn, and headed to the zoo.

Bubs fell asleep on the way…but his nap was cut short when we got there.

The girls were really excited to ride the carousel…and we decided to let them ride it first thing because usually by the time we are heading out….we really need to leave (i.e. babies and/or kids are about to have a meltdown).  This was Nolan's first time and he seemed to enjoy it.

After the carousel…we had to walk pretty fast to the lions and tigers for their little show where they do training.  The girls were able to get in the front and really see.

Next up: feeding the giraffes. This was Parker's first time to feed them by herself.  Grace and Payton had lettuce in hand, but chose not to.

This was our first time to do this….we watched a little bird show.  Parker was the only one interested in watching at first….but then I think all of the girls ended up really enjoying it.  We saw several different types of birds and they all did tricks….and we even saw a parrot that sang "Old McDonald."

You know…the bald eagle is really a beautiful creature.

After the bird show….we settled in for a little picnic lunch.  
Everyone was thrilled to stop and smile for this picture.

Then- a little kiddie train ride.  Grace is the only one who has been on this before. 

While the girls rode the train…Geoff pushed Nolan around in the stroller and was able to get him to fall asleep.

Then we headed to the ponies for a little pony ride.  Only Parker and Grace wanted to ride this time.

And then for what they had all been waiting for the entire day….to run around in the little water area.  We told them to not sit down in the water and try not to splash and get really wet.  Yeh…they were drenched.  Which was fine because we brought clothes to change into…but it was so funny to see them come up to us and show us how they'd 'accidentally' got wet.

This guy was able to get out and move around, too.  And he pretty much thought he was so cool.

We survived the zoo!

I told Geoff….with four kids….there's no such thing as doing anything quickly.  We had a good time, though…just taking our time…going at our own pace.  We have a membership so we know next time we will go to the parts that we don't normally see first.

On our way home….we stopped at Braum's for some after-the-zoo ice cream treat.

And then the girls played with their Barbies some….and Nolan took a nap.  A little before dinner- we all ventured back outside and the girls played while Geoff grilled burgers.

You know….just typical backyard playing.  With an umbrella.

Dinner!  Parker actually likes carrots…and the other 2 wanted to try one, too.

A delicious burger with fresh veggies and bacon on a kaiser roll.  Paired with bacon wrapped stuffed jalapeƱos.  Yum!

Early on..I had promised the girls cookies and popcorn.  Well…I thought I had some break apart cookie dough in the fridge.  But did not.  So I made some sugar cookies with rainbow sprinkles.

While those were baking…we popped our own popcorn.

And enjoyed our sweet and salty treat while watching Frozen.

We had a very looong and full day.  But it was a great day.  At dinner, we played "happy, mad, sad"…where everyone has to go around and tell something that happened during the day that made them the said emotion.  Everyone only had happy things to report!

I remember before I had kids and I'd hear and see things that people took their Saturdays to spend taking their kids to this place or that place.  Waiting in line.  Fighting crowds.  Waking up early.  All of that stuff sure did seem like a lot of work.  And while I dreamt of having my own family someday to do those things with….I still did not look forward to the lines and crowds and such.

But now.  Now that I do have those children…(and while I still do not like crowds, ha!)…I love doing things like this.  Taking days to just find the happy.  And making memories.  I know they may not remember this particular day that we took them to the zoo and had ice cream and popped our own popcorn….but I hope that we do enough of this kind of thing that they'll be able to look back and have these happy memories of their childhood.

baby's first st. patrick's day

I just realized I never got these posted.

Nolan's first St. Patrick's Day pictures.  :)

He is on the move…and getting him to take a picture these days (or change is diaper!!!) is nearly impossible.

But I think we did all right.

Cutest 'lucky charm' I ever did see.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

spring break

I totally had intentions of breaking this up and posting it as it happened.  But then….that didn't happen. So this is an extra long mega post of pictures.  As usual.  :)

The week started off pretty good….Monday we hung around the house, went to the library, and played outside in the beautiful weather.

Tuesday….Parker woke up not feeling well.  She had fever and complained of a tummy ache.  She never got sick this day, but was lethargic and we did a lot of just hanging out and movie watching.  She basically went to bed at 5:30 that night and slept until almost 8am the next morning.  I know she didn't feel well, bless her heart.

Wednesday…she woke up and said she felt better.  And that she wanted orange juice.  I did tell her I didn't think she should have it…and well…I made a poor choice and let her have it and she drank it….and got sick.

This guy was crawling all on the dishwasher when I'd turn around to flip a pancake.  I'd get him off.
When I ran to the living room to help Parker….I came back to this.

The good news is….she was feeling better about an hour after that and did not run a fever after that.  However….she didn't really get all the way back to normal and with a normal appetite until Saturday?

But in the meantime….

The girls wanted me to take pictures of them posing like Elsa.  Seriously….all their doing.
{Grace LOVES to put on her Elsa wig…but LOVES even more to put on lipstick.  And she's always loved the lipstick…but since it appears that Elsa has a nice dark color on in the movie…she asks for it even more now.}

One night I needed to put the laundry away.  And Nolan wanted me to hold him.  So we met in the middle.

So since Tuesday and Wednesday were spent with Parker being sick….Thursday she seemed to be better.  And Geoff was off so it was time to start trying to do a few 'spring break' things.

It was beautiful out so we decided to head to the park.  Grace put her shoes on.  I glanced down and said, "Hey sweetie….I think you have your shoes on the wrong feet."  To which she replied, "Uuuhhh!  I wike 'dem 'dat way!"

Well….all right then.

We picked Payton up to join us and have another slumber party.  The girls were all so excited.

He thinks he's such a big boy.

Grace, Parker, Nolan, & Payton (my niece)

We didn't stay at the park long because there were quite a few people there and a dog that someone did not have on a leash so, of course, made the girls (mostly Grace) uneasy.

We headed to Cici's for dinner….a place they all said they'd eat.

Before bed bedtime story of Frozen.

Early morning coloring…

We read "I know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover" and put the things she swallowed into our old lady box as we read.

Then we did a little cut and paste sequencing activity.

And then a little water color rainbow painting...

The new face he's making….

After lunch we headed to the nursery to pick out a few vegetables for our garden this year.

We got home in time for Nolan's afternoon nap….and had lots of windows open with cool spring breezes filling our home...

By later that afternoon…Parker was starting to feel not quite 100% and so she decided to stay home and rest while Grace and Payton went with Geoff to run a few errands.  She did help me make a few green cookies for St. Patrick's Day.  It was fun to be able to spend this time with just her.

Sunday was a day filled with lots of cleaning.  Lots of laundry.  And a little game playing.

This was our first time playing this ABC Bingo.  They both loved it.  And I really think it's going to be good with helping Grace identify her letters.

And Bubs wanted in on the Sunday evening bubble bath, too.

And that was our Spring Break.