We signed a contract on this house back in June...after we got a contract on our house. At that time, our house was nothing but a lot with plumbing and all of the other stuff that they need right before they poured the foundation.
The following week...they poured the foundation and the rest has been history! It has literally flown...and I am always amazed at how quickly these houses go up.
For whatever reason- I never had the motivation to take pictures as our house grew...but I guess today I really started getting excited about the house. Not that I haven't been excited already- but it is just nice to have our house actually sold...and also, I think since it's getting so close to being ready it is becoming more of a reality.
Parker and I stopped by the house with my friend Amy after an ejoyable lunch at Chili's.
And so today- I had the motivation to take some photos...
And now... in no particular order...
Here is our master bedroom....
The nook area looking in from the living area...(they were putting in the tile today...as if you couldn't have derived that conclusion on your own from looking at the pictures)
The kitchen...
The dining room...
The living area...
The laundry room...(and you can kind of see it hiding if you really look...but on that back wall there is a deep storage closet that I am in love with)
This is a not so good angle of what will be Parker's room...
Another not so great picture of what will be the new baby's room...
And the study...
[not shown due to me not transferring that photo to my thumb drive this evening before I came to this computer to do my post and so...will therefore- have to be shown at another date because I am too lazy to go back to my computer to retrieve the one measely photo]
The linen closet...(For a little background...the last house we had only had the closets that came with the rooms...and this house has THREE extra closets {the one in the laundry room, a coat closet, and linen closet}...so for me...I am so excited about the extra storage space...only- I must be careful using the word extra...for I am sure that they will be filled upon move-in with all of the 'stuff' that we have somehow managed to accumulate over the years...)
And last but not least...the entry way...
(Also not shown were the bathrooms...they were tiling in ours...and the other bathroom has no windows so it was too dark to photograph.)