My mom and Terry gave her this new iron and ironing board...
"Oh wait...let's pick this thing up and move it since I am such a big girl!"
But really- she would have been just as happy with the box that it came in because she loves sitting on things that are just her size...
As a matter of fact....we could have just given her wrapped boxes...
This is a quilt that my Granny had made and gave to my mom this year. Parker seemed to really enjoy it as well...for when it was just laying on the ground...this is what Parker did....
And this is the Busy Zoo. I really like this thing because there are a lot of different activities to do that Parker enjoys now....other aspects that a younger baby would enjoy...and then sometimes I even think that there are things about it that she will enjoy when she even a little older. So thumbs up!
So here she had had enough of opening presents....she just wanted to lay back and "text" on the phone... (she gets this from watching her Aunt Sister)
I'm going to take a moment to point out her eyelashes. I love them. I am in awe of her eyelashes. They are so full and long. Unfortunately, she does not get these from me. Geoff's are very full and long like hers (I am sure that he loves that I am talking about how full and long his eyelashes are, but oh well...) And maybe all baby's eyelashes are this way, but I hope hers stay!
So here's the new bubble maker thingie that my mom and Terry gave her....
...And this is the picture of her with the bubble maker before we turned it on.....
...And this is the picture of her with the bubble maker before we turned it on.....
...And this is after...
And here's another bath toy that my sister gave her (she gave her quite a few, actually), and I just wanted to share this because I think it's a really neat toy. It's a water slide and these little animals float down....
So onto Sunday night....Mac and Marilyn (my in-laws) came over to celebrate with us. They also showered Parker (and us) with gifts!
Here is Parker's Elmo doll for the tub...
They also gave her this bouncy pony, and I am ashamed to admit that we do not even have a picture of her on it....we're such slackers...
And then this school bus...she really likes this thing....
Only she was disappointed that she couldn't also get into the bus....
(here she is with one foot in the door...and then after she got that foot in...she put her other foot in the window and fell backwards on her bottom...)
So needless to say...we had a very eventful, fun, overwhelming, tiring week. We are so blessed to have so many friends and family... and an added bonus is that we all live relatively close!