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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

AWANA Banquet

I posted about her outfit earlier....and so here are a few pictures form the banquet.  We had hamburgers and french fries that were actually really good.  Then root beer or coke floats for desserts.  After dinner- they handed out awards and recognized leaders.

So glad Geoff was able to come with us!  Now that I think about it...I think we were the only family there not dressed in the 50s.  ;)

Parker is a Cubbie...and they called them to the front of the stage.

They stood up to singe their song (that Parker had been singing to us all week ;)

(hopping in the song)

We didn't quite make it through the first book this year.  That's ok.  Maybe we'll play catch up next year.  But she did receive the attendance award.

Grace loved clapping for everyone.  ;)

We had a good time.  AWANA's has been a great experience for us all.  But I am welcoming the break, too.  :)  

Make It Wear It

This past Friday night we had our AWANA banquet.  Geoff ended up having training that day- which meant he didn't work his normal hours- which- in turn- allowed him to be able to come with us!

It was a 50s themed night...and while I had original plans to make 3 poodle skirts (one for me, one for Parker, and one for Grace) plans quickly faded to making nothing.  {no energy and lack of motivation}.  Well- at the last minute (meaning- 9pm the night before the banquet)...I decided I'd go ahead and make Parker a circle skirt (which is the same type of skirt as a poodle skirt).  I didn't have time to buy any fabric so I used what I had on hand.

I thought it turned out pretty cute.  She loves it at least.  I've mentioned before that it is hard to get her out of the house with anything other than a skirt or dress...which is fine by me....we just don't have very many of them.  So now- I am going to go through my fabric stash and make a few more!  They are SO easy to make.  The easiest skirt I've ever made.  I used the ever-popular skirt skirt tutorial from Made.

I'm not quite sure if we met the 50s themed criteria....but hey....they didn't wear poodle skirt every day, did they?

Talk about waiting until the last minute....I made this shirt just 2 hour before the banquet.  I just sewed this eyelet to a plain tank.  I was going to do ruffles with the red with white polka dot fabric, but then changed my mind at the last minute to this.  I thought maybe she'd be able to wear it with some of the other skirts I might make.  ;)  I may add eyelet to the bottom of the skirt.  I wanted to that day, but didn't have enough.  We'll see.

It really is fun to make and get her all dressed up.  Wish I would have made more time.  But really.....we have many more things like this to come!  And plus....she didn't know the difference.  ;)



Friday, May 25, 2012

insta friday

Played a good ole game of Memory with Parker this week.  She's really starting to catch on.  And there's none of this "I need to let her win" stuff going on.  My memory is failing me.  ;)  haha.  Or I think my mind is just racing and so it's hard for me to focus.  Anyway- one game we tied, and another game she truly beat me!

And, of course, we have little sister who doesn't really want to play (not that she can yet)...but definitely wants to get in the middle of things.  As soon as Parker had all of the cards laid out nice and neat....Grace swooped in and wiped them all out.  She was proud.  And also went to time out.  Something she didn't appear to mind too much.

After time out- the sisters were reunited.  I think their faces say it all.  Ahh....sisters.  haha


 Well- we don't have many cucumbers....but I did find this huge one hiding!  I'm sure there are many more hiding!  We have way too many and are planning on cutting them back over the weekend.  Maybe this way they will start to grow?  I don't know.


Parker brought a little purse to AWANA the other night.  And encouraged Grace to bring one too.  It was kind of sweet.  Anyway- in a rush out the door I never checked to see what they brought.  After dinner and while Parker was in choir...Grace and I just walked around for a bit until I had to be in my class.  So finally I thought, "I better check to see what's in here before I take her to class."  And this is what I found.  Their rubber ducky and rubber turtle from the bath.  So funny.


We finally got around to making our healthy breakfast popsicles yesterday morning.  Grace loved the mixture so I am hoping she will eat the popsicle.  Parker always has, but this will be the first time I think Grace might be old enough to be successful at it.


And last, but definitely not least!

Our last night of AWANA was this past Wednesday.  Everyone accumulates points throughout the semester and they are able to 'spend' them at the AWANA store {just bunches of stuff from the dollar store and such}.  

Anyway- when I picked Parker up from her class....she basically ran to Grace's class because she was so excited to show her the 2 fairy princess dolls she for herself...and one for Grace.

My eyes filled with tears.  I was so proud of her in that moment.  Honestly- I worry a lot about her..... she's not the best share-er- she wants what everyone else wants or has, even if she doesn't want it.  

But really- I don't think I give her enough credit.  Because she does think of others...quite a bit actually.  Over the past month or so during her AWANA class...she will purposefully not eat her snack during snack time to save it for her and Grace to eat on the way home.  She's so excited to show Grace and share with her.

I think her sharing just has to be on her terms.  ;)  Which is ok for now.  Because it is sharing, after all.


life rearranged

Thursday, May 24, 2012

DIY Blackout Curtains- They are finally finished!

So last July- I fell in love with, and purchased, the fabric I wanted to use for Parker's curtains.   So yeh- that sat on the floor of our office for a good few months. 

 Until one day....I finally laid it out...measured....and cut the fabric the length of the curtains.  On one panel...I did fold over and attempted to hem...but did it completely wrong...still showing off the frayed edges.  {But I must say- this did turn out to be a good thing in the end!}  And then I hung the curtains up with these curtain rings that I purchased pretty cheap from Target.  I wanted to have this type of ring on the top because I wanted the curtains to be able to be opened and closed very easily.  The other panel wasn't even hemmed at all...I just hung them up!

You see- here in the's pretty much sunny 18 hours a day (not really, but sometimes seems as though when I am trying to get my little ones to sleep at 8 o'clock and the sun is still shining ever so brightly!)

This black sheet has been nailed {yes, nailed} over Parker's window since we moved into our home almost 3 years ago.  {gasp}

So needless to say- it was time.  Time to get these curtains finished.

What prompted me to finally getting around to doing this?

Another confession:
I have been periodically searching for black out liners the exact size that I needed for her curtains.  A few weeks ago, I was in Joann's and literally stumbled upon blackout fabric.  Yes, yes.  It was there all along. Rolls and rolls of black out lining fabric!  Feel kind of ridiculous that I didn't know.  But now I do. just so happened to be 50% on the day I 'discovered' this.  So I bought the yardage I needed.

It didn't take too long.  A little time spread over a few days.

So what I did.

I took the blackout lining and hemmed the bottom 1 inch.

I laid out the curtains I had already cut.

This is just a picture showing how I had already folded over once and sewn in an attempt to hem them.  Obviously- it still showed the raw edges so it was no good.  But I never did anything else with it since I wanted to add the blackout lining.

After hemming the lining....I placed it on top of the curtains.

I began pinning at the top....

Now for the sides....

I basically rolled it over twice....and then pinned.  Now- no raw edges showing!

I did use my walking footer instead of my regular footer.  I love this thing.  It is perfect for sewing through thick layers and keeps the fabric from bunching on the bottom.

I have to admit- I was a bit nervous sewing something so large, and really didn't want to mess it up.  But this fabric is very forgiving and it all worked out in the end.  They are not perfect, for sure, but not too bad either.

So here they are!  Long overdue.  And the best part.....NO black sheet nailed to the wall!  ;)

I love having the room so lit.  Because the sheet was, in fact, nailed to the wall....her room was always dark.  I love natural light and so now I am really loving opening her curtains each morning...and when I turn down the hallway seeing the light.

Just a few more things to finish up her room and then hopefully I will show it all.  Just so glad this is done.  ;)


may be inking up: Handy Man, Crafty Woman, Polkadots on Parade, The DIY Dreamer, Uncommon Designs Online, Organize and Decorate Everything, Craft Geek, Skip to My Lou, Little Inspiration

  Tip Junkie handmade projectsThe DIY Dreamer


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