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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Make It Wear It

This past Friday night we had our AWANA banquet.  Geoff ended up having training that day- which meant he didn't work his normal hours- which- in turn- allowed him to be able to come with us!

It was a 50s themed night...and while I had original plans to make 3 poodle skirts (one for me, one for Parker, and one for Grace) plans quickly faded to making nothing.  {no energy and lack of motivation}.  Well- at the last minute (meaning- 9pm the night before the banquet)...I decided I'd go ahead and make Parker a circle skirt (which is the same type of skirt as a poodle skirt).  I didn't have time to buy any fabric so I used what I had on hand.

I thought it turned out pretty cute.  She loves it at least.  I've mentioned before that it is hard to get her out of the house with anything other than a skirt or dress...which is fine by me....we just don't have very many of them.  So now- I am going to go through my fabric stash and make a few more!  They are SO easy to make.  The easiest skirt I've ever made.  I used the ever-popular skirt skirt tutorial from Made.

I'm not quite sure if we met the 50s themed criteria....but hey....they didn't wear poodle skirt every day, did they?

Talk about waiting until the last minute....I made this shirt just 2 hour before the banquet.  I just sewed this eyelet to a plain tank.  I was going to do ruffles with the red with white polka dot fabric, but then changed my mind at the last minute to this.  I thought maybe she'd be able to wear it with some of the other skirts I might make.  ;)  I may add eyelet to the bottom of the skirt.  I wanted to that day, but didn't have enough.  We'll see.

It really is fun to make and get her all dressed up.  Wish I would have made more time.  But really.....we have many more things like this to come!  And plus....she didn't know the difference.  ;)




Megan said...

What.A.Cutie!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE her outfit! You are so talented and have such an "eye" for all that cuteness! :-)

Viv said...

Very good job and so cute!

Jessica at Me Sew Crazy said...

love that shirt! that eyelet lace is adorable!


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