Today is my first day to participate in an actual "Muffin Tin Monday." I have used the muffin tin idea before...mostly for snacks. But I am excited to be joining in today, and hoping to get some more ideas of healthy and fun things to feed my girls!
Last night- Geoff and I ate leftovers from the weekend, but I made the girls 'muffin tins' of some of their favorite foods.
Parkers: sliced apples, a pancake (It's actually frozen because when we make them- we make extra to freeze. Parker now only likes to eat them frozen?), Skittles (For after she ate her apples and chicken, which she minded SO well and I was so proud of her. Not one argument!), chicken nuggets, and ketchup.
For Grace: I didn't have another actual tin, so I just used the square muffin silicone cups and then placed them in a square tupperware container. Her cups are filled with: mixed vegetable medley (instead of boiling the vegetables in one cup of water, I added a chicken bouillon cube for flavoring, and although she did not eat them....I tasted them and they are much better this way!), a few crackers, cut up apple slices, and yogurt.
This little one ate really well....almost all of her apples and chicken....and a few bites of the pancake. All of her Skittles, of course. But she would never sit still for me to snap a this is as good as it gets!
Grace was actually my 'not-so-good' eater! She was excited to eat and hold the cracker all by herself. She ate all of the yogurt.....a few bites of her apples......and I think one bite of the veggies! My 'good eater' has not been so 'good' these past few days. I knew it would happen sooner or later. I was just hoping for a little bit later!