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Sunday, January 9, 2011

A whole lotta....

A whole lotta random stuff:

Grace still likes to straighten her legs and push up on her head.

And apparently.....her older sister and cousin thought they'd try it out as well.....

We (and we is a relative term) finally got around to painting Parker's room over the past few days. And really- it's still not done yet.....BUT her room is starting to look more like a little girls' room. I'll post before and after pictures when we finally finish her room.

This back wall is white.....and I have big plans for it. It won't be plain white when we're done.

The other 3 walls....which you can't really see right now....are gray. We still need a head board and new dresser (I think I want it to be white)....and I am currently looking for the blackout liners that are the right size for her white curtains so we can take that black sheet down once and for all! (Yes- we have lived in our house for almost a year and a half and we have had a black sheet nailed up over her window.)

I have been wanting to make a calendar for Parker (to learn the months, days, numbers, weather, etc), but like so many things....never got around to doing it. So I finally got this calendar from Oriental Trading and she LOVES it. It made me so happy because I wasn't going to force it on her.....but we already talk about the days of the week and yesterday and tomorrow and next week, etc.....and with me starting work this week....I thought it might help her (if she needs the help) to understand when Mommy has to work and when I will be home with her.

I pointed to and said the days of the week..... and she's so cute because she wants to know them and point to them and say them just like I did. (even Grace will go up to the calendar and start pointing to the days, ha!)

Here- she is pointing to them and was waiting for me to tell her what the day is so that she could repeat it.

She even looked at me here when I didn't say the day quick enough.

These 2 are interacting more and more each day and it's really fun to watch. When Grace starts walking I think Geoff and I will be in trouble! (She can take about 10 steps at a time....but she's not officially 'walking' yet).

SNOW! Parker was so excited about the snow (and me,'s so beautiful). We have been reading a book about the seasons for the past week or so and she loves it. She likes the pages that talk about winter and the snow.....and we had told her yesterday that it was going to snow today, so she woke up this morning already talking about it.

(I do feel like it has snowed more in the past few years than it has in all of my life. It must be global warming????? {insert sarcasm})

When we got home from church it was snowing pretty good. Grace was so excited to look out the window....just squealing in delight!

Her favorite thing: eating the snow! I tried to help her build a snowman, but I'm no good. Geoff hasn't been feeling well the past few days so he didn't go out with her initially, but then he felt bad and bundled up to help her build the snowman....but by the time we all got out there and ready- she was ready to come in. That's how it goes, I suppose! :)

Last year's snow pic....

Now back to 2011....

So tomorrow is the big day! I'm not really that nervous about my first day because it is general orientation so I think it will just be receiving lots of information and paper work, etc. What I am worried about is this weather! So any prayers you could send my way for a safe commute, I would be much appreciative!

And if any of you have to get out in this weather....I hope you're commute is safe, too!


Katie said...

You got some great pictures! I loved baby legs too.

Viv said...

wonderful pics, cannot wait to hear about your new job, wishing you all the best as well as 'always safe commuting'.

Kristin said...

I loved the pictures!!!!!! And I cracked up of the one with all 3 of them trying to stand on their head!! LOL

yes saying a prayer for you today!!!!

Milstead said...

Loved all the pictures! I have to say that on my way home from work today I was thinking that it has snowed more in the past 2 years than I ever remember it snowing while we were growing up! SO WEIRD! We must have been sharing a brain wave. :) Hope your first day went great! I can't wait to see Parker's room finished!

Anonymous said...

Those leg warmers are unbelievably cute! :-)

Jennifer said...

Have a great first day!


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