So in keeping with my theme from the past 2 are the pictures (per my request) that Geoff sent.
Grace is not quite 20 pounds yet, so she is going to hang out in her infant car seat for a bit longer. Here are her stats:
She's in the 10th percentile for her weight, but the doctor isn't concerned at this point since she eats so well (seriously- it would be easier to list the things she does not like, rather than the foods she does like)......and since she has been has less fat than formula.....soooo- she seems to think she will 'fatten up' a bit once she's fully weaned. Also- she is just now really starting to act like she likes the whole milk. So we're getting there. She's healthy and so we're all happy!
They pricked her toe to sample for lead in the blood. Geoff said she did not cry one bit! That she was just sitting in his lap, watching the nurse her squeeze the blood out.
Then- she did cry after getting her THREE shots! But once he picked her up, she stopped crying soon after.....look at that face.....
When Parker got home from Chuck E Cheese....she was very concerned about Grace's shots and would ask how many she got. Geoff told her she got 3....and Parker replied, "Aaaaw....poor baby!" And gave her these stickers.
After we put the girls to bed tonight, we made their lunches....and it went by so much faster with help! We use Easy Lunch Boxes - The Best LunchBoxes ....and we love them. And then for added fun/decoration/dividers....I use silicon cupcake liners that I bought on Amazon and at Michael's.
For Parker: Pringles, turkey deli meat, raisins, apples, vanilla yogurt with sprinkles, and one mini strawberry cupcake that came in a 100-calorie 3 pack. So when I give her a 33 calorie 'cupcake' I don't feel guilt giving her dessert....and she's happy, too!
For Grace: strawberries, yogurt, and cereal bar.
I'm hoping to brainstorm this weekend to make their lunches a little more 'fun' next week! These past 2 weeks have been packed full of work....but next week I am getting TWO days off (in addition to the weekend). Needless to say....I am ecstatic and already planning in my head all of the things I need to get in order around here.
I got my infant stethoscope this week.
And tomorrow is my first day on the unit. Meaning....I will be paired with a NNICU nurse and follow her around all day....asking questions....soaking up all that I can....and maybe even do a few things with/to the babies! I'm excited and nervous.....but mostly excited. We've been in classes and labs for the past 2 this will be a welcomed change.
I am also so happy that the weekend is almost here!
Good job on taking the pictures Geoff!
Hope you have a fun and exciting day today!
Think about ya'll and wondering how the week is going, love the pics as usual and love the lunches too!
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