There's a blog that I've been reading for probably the last 6 years. She's a mom to 6 kids ranging in age from 19 years to 2 years. She just seems to be down-to-earth and raises her kids in a way that is not necessarily 'the norm' of how people do these days. She's not radical…but just more on the conservative/traditional side of things…and well anyways….without ever having met her…I like to read what she has to say and agree with her on a lot of things. And with all that being said…she will occasionally write posts titled "ordinary days." And they are just that.
And there's something to be said about the ordinary….and believe it or not….I won't hash it all out here right now. Haha! But I will say….I'm doing Priscilla Shirer's Gideon: Your weakness. God's strength. bible study right now. And it has been really good for me. Just a little something from the study…
"Todays tasks are preparation for tomorrow's calling…..While it might seem comical to find spiritual principles in washing dishes or answering phones at your desk job, God is teaching you faithfulness, diligence, and integrity through every task."
Wonderful weather this morning…and after Parker left for school…we headed outside. This morning I was in no rush to start the laundry or clean the kitchen (thankfully Geoff cleaned the kitchen for me!)…but rather enjoy these 2 babies while they are home with me.
**she was making me soup
A trip to the library in Anna dress-up clothes, no less.
A trip to Costco. Here- Grace is trying to bust Nolan out of the seat belt. I have to keep my eye on these two!!
Preparing for tomorrow's lessons while this guy pulls out whatever he can (I usually do this after they are in bed, but I wanted to try and do it earlier tonight and I think I like it this way so much more!)
And once home from school, she played school. She was reading The Storybook Bible to her class.
Geoff wasn't home tonight, so I just made myself be a short-order cook and made everyone what they wanted to eat. I suppose it's more work this way, but I have 3 happy, non-whiny kids, and so it balances out. :)
After dinner stroll. (And just FYI….these pictures may look all fun and happy-go-lucky….but let it be known…real life happens here, too, and we made it to the school parking lot for them to ride freely and safely….only to have to turn around and leave 5 minutes later because Grace needed to go to the bathroom. Parker and Nolan both through fits! I thought I'd never get Nolan back in the stroller without hurting him, with all his flailing about.)
I'm trying to get better about allowing enough time for Parker to read before bed. Which also means I need to allow time for Grace, too. Tonight they did so good! I read a book to Grace while Parker waited patiently (in time-out in the hallway because she spoke hateful to Grace about where she was sitting, which was by me, exactly where I had told her to!)
Nolan 'read' his book in the meantime.
Then, when it was Parker's turn to read to me….Grace 'read' several books quietly to herself. It does not always work out so well…but I am going to try this again tomorrow night.
We usually do prayers then I take Nolan to bed, but tonight I had to put him to bed first and left the girls to pick up their room and then they could play until I returned.
Nolan loves this! Every night before bed…he takes a book off the shelf…runs back to me with the biggest grin on his face…turns around and plops down in my lap. 96% of the time, we open the book and he closes it. Then repeats the above mentioned process until all books have been taken off of the shelf. Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle and Daddy and Me by Karen Katz are currently his favorites and are read in their entirety. Love this special time we have together each night just us. And also those tippy toes kill me!
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power towards us who believe." Ephesians 1:18-19