Some crafting and learning. We went to the library yesterday and I just happened to see a book about apples, so we checked it out and I decided we'd do a few letter A activities and crafts. I also decided that I was going to start including Grace in some things.
I printed out the letter A Do-a-dot activity sheet from Confessions of a Homeschooler. I thought Grace would be able to do it. And she was. Kind of.
But I kept asking her if she'd let Mommy help her.....and here she is telling me, "No!"
Parker made hers rainbow.
Then we started to make an hand print apple tree. Idea found here. So I didn't have brown paint and attempted to make brown with the red and green I had. Not perfect, but doable.
So I took the above picture....stepped over to the bar to put up the camera.....and within less than a second Grace reached across the table and dumped the paint off of the paper plate....onto the table and wiped on her shirt. She was, apparently, proud of herself.
Grace was so ancy. She kept saying, "My turn. My turn."
Grace could not contain herself.
She used the magnets on the A page. She did ok with this, too. She was just like a wild one because she was so excited and felt 'so big' doing what her sister does. Parker did this, too, but I guess I focused on getting pictures of Grace since this was her first time. Between the 2 of them- I was busy! I thought I had things pretty well planned, but still- I think it will get better once I get us in a 'routine'.
And Parker practiced a cutting page, also from Confessions of a Homeschooler's K4 Curriculum.
After lunch...I put Grace down for an early nap because Parker had her 4 year well visit this afternoon. I usually schedule in the morning, but I waited too long to get a good appointment. Good thing was that Grace didn't put up a fight because she was tired since going to bed late last night.
Well-visit. So to the pediatrician. Parker was in pretty good spirits at the beginning.
She was excited about the paper gown. She remembered from last time. ;)
While waiting for the doctor....we ventured to the bathroom twice in an attempt to get urine in a small cup from a 4 year old for a urinalysis (?). Well- actually.....we ventured to the bathroom 3 times because Grace also had her dirty diaper of the day while waiting, and I did not want to change it in the small exam room and then throw it in that trash! So.....needless to say....I laughed a lot....and the words, "are you kidding me?" floated through my head a few times. ;)
She had 4 shots and she was awful. It was sad, but I know it's for her own good. She knew she was going to get shots. She'd keep asking, and so I didn't want to lie to her. But after the doctor left, it took the nurse a good 10 minutes to come back in....during which- Parker cried. The. Entire. Time.
So the nurse finally came in and we had to hold her down. So sad. But ok. It ends pretty quickly. She had a lot to look forward to......McDonald's, the Galleria play place, and a cookie with icing. ;)
I had not planned our 'adventure' for after the doctor prior to leaving our I only brought 3 diapers with me (because she probably goes through 4 in a day so surely this would be enough....but due to the whole fiasco above...I was down to 1). The nurse also mentioned ibuprofen for her sore legs and any fever. I hadn't really thought of that because I don't usually pre-medicate.....and really- we don't even always medicate after each time they are vaccinated. So we quickly ran to CVS to get diapers, ibuprofen, and princess band-aids (because all of these things, of course, would make her all better).
And she was better. :)
Dinner. We had dinner. We pretty much ate in silence. We were all really hungry, I guess.
The play place. Then they played and played. Wore them out.
Grace started just rolling around on the floor at various time and would look at me and pretend whine and say 'help'. Silly girl.
Dessert. Then time for cookies. Parker picked out the large flower cookie pop with white icing and a purple center. So Grace got the one with the white icing and pink center.
And a very messy girl!
After the cookies....we ran into The Loft for a few things for me. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but did find that their tops are 40% off right now (which I didn't know....but was glad that this shop was right next to the cookie place!).
Parker fell asleep about 5 minutes into the car ride and Grace was fairly whiny the whle way home. She kept shouting "Dame!" {game} over and over again. Once home, she was realy clingy and so I rocked her (which I never do) for about 30 minutes. It was nice just holding her sweet little body.