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Monday, December 15, 2008

Baby's First Hair Cut

And it was done by me. The deal is... we've all heard that even when you are trying to grow your hair out long, that it is important to cut your hair to make it grow faster. Right? Well- I do not really know that I am trying to grow Parker's hair out long, but definitely longer than it is now. So we have not cut it since she's been alive. There's also that whole thing of her "First Hair Cut" so I guess we were just trying to hold out...not really sure why, but we were. But here lately (about the past 3-4 I guess a while) I have been wanting to "trim" Parker's hair. The back is all uneven anyway with the sides quite a bit longer than the middle of her head, and with the left side longer than all of her hair and my thinking is "it's never going to all catch up to one length." So tonight (the night before our big meeting with Santa Claus tomorrow morning) I decided to take the plunge. I am not a straight cutter by any means. I know this. This is why I have a paper cutter to cut my straight lines for me. So my thinking in this matter is that her hair is already uneven as it is and I don't think that I will make it worse....soooo here are a few shots of our baby's first...

The very first cut...

She did really well sitting on the bathroom counter, facing the mirror, with a brand new toothbrush that we luckily had since she really wanted our toothbrushes...

(I even kinda look like I know what I am doing...ha!)

As for now, I am pretty pleased with it. I asked Geoff right when we were done "don't you think it looks so much healthier than it did before?" He gave me a look (you know the look I'm talking about) and said, "It looks the same to me." Well- it doesn't look the same to me!! It's a little more even in the back (notice I said more even...not just "even")... it's still shorter in the center, but that is just how it has always been...for about the first 6 months of life she had a huge bald spot on the back of her head so it is just taking it a while to catch up! And then it's kind of hard to tell if the sides are even (and I am going to go ahead and tell you that I do not really think that they are, but close enough) because she has a little bit of wave and then there was that little issue of her turning her head as I was cutting. So this is it...then end result!

And let me just add that Geoff did a really good job taking the pictures!!


Kelli @ Our Growing Family said...

You did a good job! Those picture make me want a girl...

Viv said...

Looks very good to me! Geoff did do a great job of taking the pics!

Jodie said...

You did a great job cutting her hair. Maybe we will open a salon for kids! I do think it looks healthier.

Anonymous said...

Good job, I love how it flips out at the end :)


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