Well- it's official....Parker is no longer an
infant, but now a
toddler! My how the time flies!!! At 10:24pm this evening, Parker will be exactly 366 days old (since it was leap year this year!). We did make it to the dr this morning for her 12 month check-up. Everything looked pretty good with the exception of this week's trials and tribulations on her pretty little face (and leg...this morning she got her leg stuck between the crib rails and needed help getting unstuck, thus leaving a red mark). Bless her heart! We did hold out on the immunizations for today because she seems to have a little bit of a cold, and although she is acting fairly normal with no temperature, I just decided to wait one more week to be sure. She now weighs 20lbs, 10oz (50th percentile) and is 27.75 inches long (75th percentile). We were going to try whole milk today, but when we bought some the other day (on Sunday), we didn't check the expiration date and it was this past Tuesday (bummer!).....so I just haven't had time to make it back to the store. So this will probably just wait until tomorrow.
I haven't taken any new pictures today , but thought I'd post some pictures of her eating her giant cupcake!
Giant cupake BEFORE

Giant Cupcake AFTER

Tell Parker Happy Birthday from me. I had sent an e mail this morning, I forget to go here instead of sending an e mail! Hope she has a wonderful day! Must be ok since she didn't have to have shots though! Love to all, Aunt "B"
Happy 1st Birthday Parker!
Happy 1st Birthday Parker!
Pictures are absolutely beautiful (Marla, your photography is pretty close to what a professional would do! amazing!)
The giant cupcake! Too cool! So happy to see that sweet Princess Parker had a very special birthday and obviously enjoyed all her new toys!
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