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Saturday, June 28, 2014


I still have another post I will eventually (hopefully tomorrow) write about Grace's last days in the hospital….but I've sort of been in a funk since getting home.  Geoff worked today- and while it would have been easy to stay in my t-shirt and stretchy pants…I decided to throw on some clothes that didn't have an elastic waste band, put on a little make-up for the first time in over a week…and take my brood to Wal-Mart.  And if they were good- a sno-cone surprise afterwards.

But before Nolan woke up from his morning nap…I got up in the attic and got down this desk that my papaw had made me when I was little.  The girls have started to really get into playing 'school' and I thought they might like it.  And they love it.  I just wish I had 2!
**SO funny!  I just wanted to take a couple pictures of the girls playing and I didn't ask them to look at me or smile…but Nolan saw me with with the camera and decide to 'cheese!" all on his own.  Haha!  Love him!**

Turns out….they were so good at Wal-Mart with no whining or asking over and over for different things….and so I surprised them with a sno-cone.  

I didn't get one for Nolan…but he had lots of fun playing with the dirt and mulch.  (And Parker also shared some of hers with him when she was done.)

While in the Wal-Mart check out line (I chose the wrong one!)…there's this little side aisle with all of this "As Seen on TV" stuff…and the girls saw this "Hot Huez" hair color (it's just chalk…and while messy…not what I thought it was and would do again)…and I was a pushover and got it for them.  It was fun and made their day, I think.

Just trying to get back into the swing of things…I thought I'd make dinner…and even dessert.  After his afternoon nap- Nolan was being a little extra clingy and needed me to hold him…so I did.  And without complaint on my part.  I just embraced it.  Embraced this season of him needing/wanting me to hold him.  Of the girls playing loudly together making circles through the kitchen, living room, and dining room with their Little Tike cars and screaming and laughing one minute.  And crying the next.  These are the days.

The girls helped make the brownies.

Dinner!  Stuffed bell peppers.  They were actually pretty good!

While at Wal-Mart….I got the girls a dry-erase board to hang on the wall in their room.  There's this corner in there now that needs to be filled/decorated since I did some rearranging- and I was going to make it a 'dress-up' corner, thinking that if I brought out their dress-up clothes into plain view then they'd maybe play with them more.  But what they are into…is playing school (as mentioned earlier)….so now I'm going to make that corner their classroom.  It's like…how are we already past the dress-up/play house/play kitchen stage?  I mean…not completely, but those days are numbered.  And I can't believe it.  I digress…..  Anyways……Parker put this on the board….

And I'd have to agree.  
I love my family, too.

1 comment:

Viv said...

So sweet! Been thinking of you all week and wanted to call but did not want to bug you. LOVE seeing your kids smiles in their pictures and quite frankly, double-loved getting to see Grace's smile in these today!
Love you all so much!


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