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Friday, November 14, 2008

Flashback Friday...

So Parker has discovered the glider in her room. It is now a toy. She likes to sit in it and glide. So last night, she wanted to sit in it...and I let her. It was so weird how I was immediately reminded of how I sat her there when she turned 2 months old to take her "2 month" pictures. They are very blurry, but just another example of how much she has grown in the past year...

She could barely even sit up straight, and would fall over after only a few seconds...
(these pictures were taken 11/20/07)

...and now...11/13/08... the very same glider...with the very same blanket... let's move in for a close-up...(she actually smiled for me this time when I said, "Smile!! Say cheese!!" was too cute...


Kelli @ Our Growing Family said...

I swear her hair just grew over night. She is so cute!

They grow up too fast! I love the one of her asleep in the chair. I miss the age that they could fall asleep anywhere. It is crazy to me that she is only 6 months older than Garrett. They change so much that 1st year.

Viv said...

I love it how she loves her feet! And yes, her hair is growing overnight isn't it? She's going to have a lot of hair!

Jodie said...

The pictures are great. She looks so happy! Time sure does fly.


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