Several of Parker's friends have these blow-up ball pits and she loves them. I had "refused" to get one for the longest time, not because I didn't like them, but because she enjoyed playing with it so much when she would visit her friends, I didn't want her to get tired of it by having one here. But a couple of Fridays ago I was searching on for anything in particular, but just to see what was out there (it's probably not the best idea to do Anyway- I found this yellow school bus blow-up ball pit at a decent price and decided we could get it. So it was delivered yesterday evening. I opened it up almost immediately and dumped everything out of the box. It came with 25 balls, which you would think is a lot, but it's really almost like having no balls at all when you put them in the pit. Anyway...I soon realized that there was no way to blow this thing up. I made a few phone calls and my mom suggested taking it to the gas station. I thought this was a good idea, but had a feeling it was going to be a pain.
And it was...
I wasn't motivated last night because I was exhausted since I didn't take an afternoon nap after all... but after breakfast this morning I was bound and determined! I put Parker in the car and we were off to the corner gas station (seriously, it's a 30 second drive). The air compressor there wasn't an exact match to this blow-up bus, but it was good enough. So if you can imagine (please brace yourself because what you are about to read is pretty funny..not necessarily "funny haha"...but funny in the sense that I must have looked pretty funny doing this...)....the air pump is on the corner of this semi-busy intersection and I pull the 4Runner right up next to it. I roll down the windows so Parker can look out (the weather was great) and I stood with the back end open airing up this bright yellow school bus! I am sure anyone who saw got a pretty good laugh. It was kind of hard because the cord was rolled up with this retraction thingie (if that's the right word, I don't know) it was hard to hold the air compressor cord exactly up to the part on the toy where the air goes in....and then just holding the cord in general because if I let go of it, it would immediately recoil (does this make sense?). So $1.50 later, I ran out of quarters and air. So then I had to get Parker out... go into the station (I am in sweats and a t-shirt and Parker is still in her sleeper...nice...), and got $2.00 worth of quarters. $1.50 more later....we have a mostly blown up school bus.... And my right arm is so weak right's jell-o. I know...this must mean I am out of shape...but I honestly knew that before my arm got sore from holding an air compressor cord that didn't fit into the blow up toy so I had to hold them exactly in line with each other to blow up my daughter's "blow-up school bus ball pit" in the back end of my 4Runner on a Saturday morning around 8:45 on the corner of a semi-busy intersection. Ahhh...the things we do for our kids....
So here is the infamous "bright yellow blow-up school bus ball pit"...
...and here she is in action...
I initially had to put her in the bus because she didn't seem to know what was going on. At first she tried to push it (maybe because she saw the wheels??)...
Then I showed her the she tried to close it...
...she was successful...
...oops....we almost tumped over...
...Is it safe to come out??... she made it out...and of course...wanted back she tried...
...didn't make it because she couldn't figure out that she needed to duck her she decided to shut the door... she tried again, and after another failed attempt...I put down the camera and helped her... then she gets the instruction manual (yes- even this has one to tell you that you need to blow it up and in order to keep your kids from blowing away if used outside, don't use on a windy case you were wondering...)...and begins "reading" it...
So after all of this "trouble"...I can't help but ask myself.... if I had just bought those squishy balls at Target... and then put them into a large cardboard box....
I don't know if she would have been that happy, but Geez Marla, I had a blast reading and looking at this! You are so right, what we do for our kids.....but I think it was worth it. (especially since she read the instruction manual and now will know exactly what to do). She is a good, happy girl! Love to all, Aunt "B".
You are such a good mom...Oh the things we end up doing for our children's happiness. How funny to imagine you at the gas station with a blow up school bus!
Your granny has never laughed so
much, the two of you, So cute and boy a lot of work. May the Lord bless such wonderful parents.
Love ya,
granny m.
All I can say I was cracking up imagining you trying to get that yellow school bus blown up! Stamina - you have got stamina!
Parker - I can only hope that there is a way your mom will be able to save these blogs for you to read later (you too will be cracking up!)
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