Tonight, after we put Parker to bed, we were on a mission. A mission to decorate our house for Christmas. This weekend we will be busy...then next weekend I will be studying (or at least that is what I
should be doing...) then by the next weekend, it will be the middle of December...10 or so days before Christmas...and so tonight was our only night. It really didn't take us long at all....about an hour after Geoff got all of the stuff down from the attic. I must admit though... I am cutting some corners the garland on the mantle or up the stairs....just the tree and stockings this year. But I am happy with that!
Anyway- we had a really good time. It brought back memories of last year when Parker was so little. I have collected ornaments over the past few years, and I remembered tonight how Parker and I went to Macy's one day last December while Geoff was at work for the sole purpose of buying these ornaments that were finally on sale and that I had had my eye on all season. Needless to say...we had an "episode" that required a trip to the bathroom and
almost a change of outfit on her part...then the crying began...and so there I sat in the furniture department in Macy's on the couch feeding her a bottle before I could check-out. Aauuhh...those were the days!
I also got a little sentimental when I pulled this thing out....

This was our very first Christmas decoration we ever bought. It's seen better days, as one of it's arms is barely hanging on...but I love this thing!
Then I found this ornament (that I don't think I could find last year...but this year somehow ended up finding right with all of the other ornaments.....

My friend, Emily, got this for us for our first Christmas as a married couple. Seeing 2006 makes me say "Yikes!" A LOT has happened in just 2 short years!!!!
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