I had my 36 week check-up this morning. They did the 'fun' group B strep test. I thought she was going to check to see if I was dilated any, but she didn't. I know it doesn't matter....me being a repeat c-section and all....but I was still curious! She said that she doesn't do it because sometimes it can trigger contractions...so I said ok....it's not a big deal.
She felt around on my belly.....the baby is head down. Which the doctor said is still a good thing eventhough I am having a c-section because she said it is just easier on the uterus? Ok...sounds good to me!
And that this baby is already a "good 7 pounds!" She said, "Ya'll just make big babies!" Parker was born at 40 weeks and 3 days at 8lbs, 4oz....and the doctor said that this baby will probably be right around that same weight...even though they are taking her at 39 weeks and 1 day (which will mean that I will carry this baby for 9 days less than I carried Parker....yet could be bigger than Parker!).
I go back next week.....then the next week.....and then the next week is d-day {delivery day!}. So...in at least 3 weeks from today we will no longer be parents to one, but to 2!
And in keeping with tradition.....my huge belly for all to see.....
Click here for all of my past belly photo posts.
I think it's pretty hilarious how I thought I was big here at 27 weeks....Haha!!!
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