This past Wednesday was Grace's first ever dance class. I had to work the night before, so this momma missed her big day. {boo!} But thankfully, Geoff was able to go and so I guess that softens the blow a little.
I had originally thought I would not put Grace into dance this young since Parker never did....but it turned out to be not so black and white. She is just as into the dancing and tutus as her sister (if not more!). She waited so patiently while Parker was in her first dance classes earlier in the summer and never through a fit when I told her that she could go to dance when she was 4. And so- that earned her a ticket to doing dance at 2. :)
Another bonus- Payton is in her class! {Geoff took all of these with his iPhone through mini-blinds, nonetheless, and although very pixel-ly.... I love them!)
I love how intense she looks here. With her little feet propped up on the side of the bench with her hands folded neatly in her lap. Just all too sweet.
Actually brought tears to my eyes these pictures are so sweet!
Actually brought tears to my eyes these pictures are so sweet!
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