She loves this thing! If I could have picked the thing that I knew that she was going to carry around with her everywhere she goes, I probably would have picked something a little cuter. But no...this was her choice and ever since the day she found it, they have been pretty much inseparable.
The whole idea of her having a "comfort" item came to me right before I started back to school in August. There was this little stuffed dog that says "Little Cutie" on it that has plastic hands and feet for teethers that she about a week before school started, I thought that I would try to put her down for her naps with this "Little Cutie." It seemed pretty effective. It amazed me how almost immediately she was becoming attached to this little thing. She would hold it and kiss was sweet.
Then one day, not long after school had started, we were playing in her room and she found this little doll. She appeared to like this one even more than her Little Cutie. So making an already long story short...this has been her "lovey" since late August. She sleeps with it, walks around with it, kisses it, hugs it....she'll go find it when you say "where's your lovey???" It's really cute...
Anyway...tonight after dinner, she finished before me (surprise!) and she was extra ancy to get out of her seat. So I decided to go ahead and let her down. She immediately started walking around, talking...the usual. I took another bite...looked up...and her lovey was in the dog's water bowl. Ughhh...(and I had just washed that thing on Sunday!). So I hurried up, started a load without her noticing it was missing. Whew....
Then the time came to put it in the dryer. I am usually so good at hiding this, but I thought I would be so super-sonic fast that she wouldn't notice. Wrong. She saw it...started pointing and saying "ah...ah...ah." Uh-oh.... I gently moved her out of the way, closed the door, and started the drier. Let me tell you...this was the saddest cry ever. Her bottom lip was out and everything. She was pulling at the door trying to open it...just looking at me like..."what are you doing to me???" I felt so bad because this wasn't like the normal times when she is crying when she can't have something that she wants and we just let her cry and get it out of her system and then she is fine in 30 seconds. I truly felt bad because this is hers. She takes it with her to the sitters, she holds it when she's sad...even when we check on her at night before we go to bed, she is holding it 90% of the time (so sweet...).
I tried to comfort such luck, but then quickly took her into the other room and began showing her other toys and after about 2 minutes she was fine. These are the pictures I took when her lovey was dry...
(reaching into the dryer....)
(pulling it out...patting and talking to it...)
(then, without prompting...began hugging it and smiling...)
(I told Geoff this is probably the most natural smile we have ever gotten on camera because I didn't have to do anything to make her smile...)
What a cute smile and a great story. Every kid should have something they love this much!
Bless her little bones. That's her sweet is that?
Momie knows her baby, very sweet,
so's her Mom to pay such close attention to Parker's wants and needs. I am proud of you all.
Love you too,
Parker emulates what her mother and father do for her - what a beautiful example of love!
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