I have been wanting to bake Christmas cookies with Parker since...well...since she was born. It's just been something that I've looked forward to. And so yesterday....we did it!! It was a family fun baking afternoon, if you will.
Ok...so let the games begin....
Butter and sugar. She loved it.
So much, in fact, that she then proceeded to lick the remaining sugar out of the measuring cup....
Payton and Aunt Sis were here, too, to experience the festivities. Payton has food envy, I think. :)
Continuing on....
Here we are flattening out the dough (in case you couldn't tell). But this is one of those pictures that I love. That I think I'll always look back on. Something about seeing my hands next to her sweet little hands. Some kind of symbolism about all of the things I hope to teach her one day?
Aunt Sis.....you can't hide forever....
Now- after flattening the dough a bit...we put it in the fridge to help it hold its shape better when we used the cookie cutters (but I don't think I'll be doing that again...it made it too hard to handle). So we continued with our baking by making Geoff some oatmeal cookies. He informed me recently that he "despises" chocolate chips! Such a harsh word don't you think? In almost 4 years of marriage, I have known that he is not one for sweet very often....but despises?? So....since then...he's been trying to educate me on the sweets he does like....like oatmeal cookies. He said he used to make them for himself back in his single days. :)
Parker's first crack at breaking the eggs (no pun intended). She was so excited to do this. You could just tell that she felt so important.
We washed immediately after, of course.
Then added the flour...
Then called in reinforcements to add the oats and stir them in. We needed some muscle. :)
Parker enjoyed this greatly. She had a connection with the oats.
So much that Geoff had to remove the oats from her proximity.
He gave her a few of her own to play with/eat.
So after all of the fun we had that's pictured above....Parker was done!! She was begging to watch Finding Nemo...to which we conceded. I ended up rolling out the dough and using the cookie cutters and baking.
FYI...these are the best oatmeal cookies I think I've ever eaten. I had one for breakfast this morning. Doesn't that count as wholesome oatmeal??
So we saved the decorating for after dinner, for obvious reasons. However....I will suggest that 45 minutes before bedtime may not be the optimal time for icing cookies either.....I'm just sayin'.
Payton....still being such a good sport...
This is the way we ice our sugar cookies...
I'll have to admit...seeing her with this knife in the picture looks a little scarier than it did in real life....
And this....this is why these little icings are a one time use item....;)
My absolute favorite picture from the day....
This is how far I got with my decorating. Kristin did a few....and then there are still about 12 that have no decorations....and unfortunately...will more than likely remain that way.....
Parker's masterpieces....
I love this!
David's favorite is oatmeal too! All of them look wonderful! Ya'll did a great job, making great memories!
I love your aprons! The cookies looked great. And what great memories you are making.
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