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Sunday, December 20, 2009

what to do with all of this 'stuff'?....The Answer

Back in October I had posted a blog about "what to do with all of this 'stuff'?" And it was basically about me going through this old box of stuff that my mom had saved....and whether or not I should keep it....and then what stuff should I save for my kids?

Well....instead of dealing with the issue then....I dealt with it the other day. :)

I did take some of your advice, though....and I finally re-went through the box....decided to throw some things away.....made a pile of some things that I am keeping....and then.... this is what we are doing with the rest of the 'stuff'.......

This was one of my pee-wee drill team uniforms. She loved it!


Kristin said...

She looks like a true Ladyhawk!!

Viv said...

Geez, brings back alot of memories. I think that's a great idea though. I still have both you and Kristin's pics in those uniforms.


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