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Friday, June 10, 2011

Our day.



Payton came over today for a bit.  Kristin bought Parker and Payton new coloring books.  I let Grace color, too.  It's so funny to me because Grace thinks she's SO big....just like them.  I've been thinking a lot lately about the experiences that Grace gets to have since she is the second.  We have so many more things/toys than we did when Parker was this age.  But then, on the same token.....I think about what Parker had at this age, and not Grace......which was our undivided attention.  Not really a negative....just the way things are.

Parker and Payton played really well together today.....and so I took that opportunity to give some undivided attention to Grace.
Grace is crying in this picture because A.)  she kept leaning her head down....and sticking her foot in.....this Little People school bus because she wanted to get in.......and for obvious reasons.....could not, and B.) because I was taking this picture of her.  It really hurt her feelings.

  We were having a good time playing with this alphabet train thing that her Grandad and Mimi got her.    I know she really needed this time alone with me because when I got up to just turn off the TV....which was only a few feet away....she immediately started saying, "Momma!  Momma!"

Again......happy and playing with me.  I get up and start taking her picture......and she's DONE!  She is seriously upset because I am taking her picture.  I feel bad.....but this face begs for more.  ;)

She gave me a decent look here.....but don't let it full you.....the next 3 pictures she lost it again......and I thought I had uploaded a picture of it, but I didn't.  And seeing as it is so late now....I am not going back into the office to upload it now.  So just imagine the first picture in this section....and that is what the final pictures would show.


Grace was definitely ready for her nap.  So after I put her down, Parker and I had some 'special' time together, too.  We received a package in the mail today of 2 new things I had ordered from Amazon the other day.  The first was these counting bears.

We first set out all of the cups...and she sorted all of the colors.

Then- I suggested for her to count the bears in each cup.

She did well and was so proud!


The other thing we got today was this Alphabet Train Floor Puzzle.  I highly recommend this for younger kids too.....because it's big and takes up so much's just fun.  And then.....for was good to talk about "what comes next"....because even though she knows the alphabet....she doesn't really know the whole "what comes next" part.

She would dance along the train singing the ABC's each time.....


I think my kids might not want me to take pictures of them anymore.  ;)


After dinner.....I let Parker paint with water colors.....

And I let Grace paint with water.

In garden news......

We have ripe cherry tomatoes!

And quite a few unripe tomatoes that will hopefully ripen soon.

Losts of cucumbers coming in.

We finally took out that squash.  It was just taking over.....and we chose to sacrifice the squash rather than everything else that we were growing.

Our tomatillo plant has a few blooms......hoping for the best.

Quite a few jalapenos......

These are our excited about them.

Our one corn that might actually be worth eating?

And this.....this is our gigantic sunflower.  GIGANTIC!  Almost taller than the fence!  Is this normal?  When will it finally bloom?

We don't know what this viney plant is?  It will be another surprise.

Another corn husk....but quite a bit smaller than the other.

Our 2 okra plants....that fact....grown 2 okras!


The end.


Snider Family said...

I've been hoping you post come creative blogs. I am totally lost in that area and needing some ideas with Reagan. Just ordered the puzzle, soon I will start with letter's of the week so I really need you to make sure you are blogging so I can copy! :)

Hope all is well!

Viv said...

You are a wonderful Mommy and teacher. From the looks of things ya'll are not only great parents but wonderful gardeners too! I love it when the girls get aggravated about their pics being taken....deep down betcha they love it tho.

Viv said...

You are a wonderful Mommy and teacher. From the looks of things ya'll are not only great parents but wonderful gardeners too! I love it when the girls get aggravated about their pics being taken....deep down betcha they love it tho.


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