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Saturday, August 24, 2013

good saturday

Today was a pretty good day.  It was my first Saturday off in 6 weeks (which I didn't even realize until later in the day).  I initially woke up in not the best of moods.  It was for no reason other than just being tired.  But I had prayed and was determined to make it a great day.  And a great day it was.

I hopped in the shower and got dressed to start.  A lot of the time- I will lounge around in yoga pants and a t-shirt, but just putting a little (and I DO mean LITTLE) effort, it helps.

We had a slow and lazy morning.  Geoff had made breakfast for the girls before I got out of bed so that definitely helped, too!  :)

Watching the new My Little Pony movie...

Loving on baby brother...

Today is my mom's birthday and we had not seen them in over a week because they were gone on vacation.  So we decided to surprise her this evening with a few goodies.  First up- the cake...and 2 good helpers!

Grace wanted purple and Parker wanted blue (it was a yellow cake mix so the blue coloring gel we added made it look more greenish).

We also picked up some flowers.  Parker chose stargazer lilies and Grace chose carnations, but they wanted to put them in the vase themselves.

Sweet boy was ready to help ice the cake after it cooled....

I let the girls add the sprinkles...

And they requested the picture of a silly face.

Geoff picked ups these Dr. Pepper's from Costco and the girls wanted to give a couple to my mom. They decorated these strips to tape around them.

Geoff was home by the afternoon and we were pretty slow going for a couple more hours.  

I laid Nolan down for a late afternoon nap around 3:45....and Geoff gave the girls a bath so I could get a few things done in the office.  It's progress....

Then....we were brave and took all 3 with us out to eat for the first time since Nolan's sleepy newborn days.  We ordered right when we got there and were probably in and out within 45 minutes (maybe less, ha!)....but all the kids were behaved and we had no mess to clean up at our home!  :)  Nolan stayed in his car seat the whole time just looking around, playing with his dangling toy, and playing with his hands.

 We came home and Geoff settled in with Nolan to watch his first Dallas Cowboy's game.  Geoff says he already seems interested.  :)

We left the boys at home and went to surprise my mom with her goodies.

It was a full day.  Looking forward to another family day and then home to CLEAN!  Sounds fun, huh?

1 comment:

Viv said...

Love the colored cake! Turned out very nice. Hopefully Nolan watching the Cowboys will help them out this year.(ha) As usual, all of the pictures are priceless. Love seeing those sisters love on their brother too!


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