We had a pretty good weekend over here. Payton spent all day Friday with us…then later that afternoon, Parker had a birthday party to go to. While we were eating dinner that evening, Payton mentioned that she wanted to spend the night. This was a first! So we went for it and tried to have a little fun before bed in true slumber party fashion (as much as we could before 8pm!).
The birthday party that Parker went to was at a kid's hair salon (they have a neat back room where you can dress up and such)….and she came home with her hair done.. And so, of course, Grace and Payton wanted their hair done, too. I have to say- I'm pretty impressed that I was able to get their hair to look somewhat like hers. I am not a hair-doer type person so this was kind of a big deal. haha.

The birthday party that Parker went to was at a kid's hair salon (they have a neat back room where you can dress up and such)….and she came home with her hair done.. And so, of course, Grace and Payton wanted their hair done, too. I have to say- I'm pretty impressed that I was able to get their hair to look somewhat like hers. I am not a hair-doer type person so this was kind of a big deal. haha.

We had chocolate chip cookies for dessert.
And before bed…we made our donut list for the next morning.
And before bed…we made our donut list for the next morning.
before bed..
And the next morning…bright and early (6:45ish).
That morning- Parker and Geoff went to a children's home for her school's service project. I stayed home with the little 2 because I would have been no help with them there. :)
I think she was a little bit excited to go with just him.
Payton left about an hour after they did….and this is what Grace wanted to do.
Watch Frozen. Again. And again. And she wanted her Elsa hair on when Elsa started singing "Let it go!" I really do love this movie. And I love that my girls love it. But ohmygoodness…..if I could just get those songs out of my head it would be amazing.
Geoff took a few pictures while at the service project.
She did a little bit of painting.
Raking leaves.
Father-daughter selfie.
When they came home….we did this week's science experiment…tornado in a bottle. It was fun to do….and I took more pictures, but will hopefully share those later in the week with my 'homeschool lately' post.
This day was a beautiful day. I think the high was in the low 80s. We went back and forth on if we should go out to eat and enjoy patio dining…or just stay home and grill and play. We ultimately decided to stay home and play outside and I think we made a good choice. We knew that Sunday was to bring ice and below freezing temperatures so we needed to enjoy this as much as we could while we could.
We brought the pack-n-play out. And for about 30-45 minutes Nolan loved it. He just loved the fact that he was outside.
And this girl. She really is such a great big sister. They were out there 'alone' while Geoff and I were going in and out with preparing dinner and grilling…and she'd just go up to him to play and talk to.
"Hi-ya momma!!"
look at that little hand!!!!!
Sunday was a super duper lazy day. The cold front came through…..it was dark and cloudy most of the day…and then late that afternoon the thundersleet (I, for some reason, love to say 'thundersleet' and 'thundersnow') came through. We watched the "I Love Lucy" marathon for a couple of hours (Or really- it was on in the background as the girls played and Nolan napped. They enjoyed it being on. Parker had 2 questions: 1) why can't we see the color? and 2) why do the commercials take forever?) We did get out for about an hour and a half to go to my mom's house to eat an ice cream cake my sister made for my brother-n-law. It was so good and I was so miserable. We made it home before the roads got too bad.
Schools were cancelled for today…and since Geoff was working late last night…we decided it would be best for him to stay at my dad's house after he got off of work. He called to tell the girls goodnight and he was on speaker phone. At the time- I was feeding Nolan his bottle, and as soon as he heard Geoff's voice, he nearly broke his neck turning around to look for him. It was so sweet. He was even 'talking' to Geoff when he'd talk to him. Wish you could hear his sweet voice in this picture.
We woke up to roads that didn't look too, too bad from inside my warm home….. but we stayed inside nonetheless. We were a little more productive today and did some crafting which I'll hopefully post about tomorrow just to break up this already long post!
1 comment:
Sweet pictures! Loved the pack & play pics of Nolan and Parker! Good too that you are documenting the 2014 weather. Only in Texas in the 80's one day and 60 degrees colder the next. Truly days for the record books!
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