So if you'll remember back in July...we had this early screening test done at 12 weeks...and the results of that screening test came back with this baby having increased risk of having Down's syndrome. From there...we decided to have an amniocentesis done at 16 weeks...only when we got there....our nice doctor explained our situation to us in a more positive light....and we decided not to have the amnio after all.
But the doctor did want us to come back 4 weeks later, at 20 weeks, where he would do a fetal echocardiogram....which is basically a regular sonogram...only they look at the heart much more closely than normal...and make sure it's doing what it's supposed to be doing.
We had that appointment today and I am thrilled to report that he said everything looked good. Her head/brain looked good....kidneys looked good....and the heart looked good. He said, "I'm ready to call you normal and kick you out of here!" What he meant by long as the pregnancy continues to be healthy and the baby continues to measure well and get good fetal heart tones and rates at my regularly scheduled appointments with my OB...then I should not have to go back there!
And if there was any doubt at has now been confirmed for a 3rd time that this baby is, in fact, a little girl. She is weighing in at exactly 1 pound. And in all of the nervousness and excitment...I failed to ask how long she is. But really....I don't care....I am just happy that for today...she looked healthy. I know that we do not know what the future holds...but it was a comfort to hear that news and see her today.
On a lighter note.....
Here is the fruit comparison from Baby Center....from head to heel she is approximately the length of a banana (about 10 inches long)!

That is wonderful news!!! :)
I am so glad! Time is flying by already though isn't it? Love you all so!
I am so excited! I can't wait to see that little girl! It is going by so fast! I wanted to call you today, but ran out of time. I wanted to tell you that Kelly found out she is having a girl! Call me!
I'm so happy to hear this! WONDERFUL NEWS! :):):)
I am so glad to hear that!! What wonderful news to hear right after I got back from my honeymoon!!! :)
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