I was going to make these Nutter Butter ghosts, but inadvertently bought the Nutter Butter Cream Puff thingies instead, so that idea went out the window. I improvised and used Oreos....they're not as ghostly cute....and I ran out of stamina after putting eyes and mouths on about 5 (lazy, I know)....
so I just covered the rest with the almond bark. They're still pretty tasty, though.
Then I got about this far with these candy corn rice krispies treats...
As you can see....not so productive.
It was a combination of Parker "helping" me....
....and then her not wanting to "help" me and play in the water instead.....and me being tired and de-motivated to complete what I had planned!
So.....new plan: try to finish some more of this baking on Saturday!
Original post:
We'll see what I can get done!
i was looking forward to all the treats today!!!! O-well I didn't see how you would get it all done without being overly tired!!
أحد الأسباب الرئيسية للرائحة هو أن الغسالة ليست نظيفة وأن تربة الجسم والبكتيريا يعيدان وضعهما على قطعة القماش أثناء دورة الشطف. إن طبيعة نسج قماش تيري هي أنه يحتوي على كومة كثيفة أو طول ألياف طويل لامتصاص السوائل. إذا لم يكن السائل نفسه نظيفًا ، فهذا هو ما يتم امتصاصه بواسطة قطعة قماش تيري في دورة الشطف.
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