But more recently....say....the past month or so....she has began to accumulate a 'collection.' A collection of things that she 'has' to have in bed with her or she 'can't' go to sleep. Our philosophy..."If it's not a choking hazard....and it'll make her happy....and it'll keep her in bed and decrease the fits....then go for it!!!"
But I think it might be getting out of hand. We try to gather all of these things up before we read books...but inevitably....she will think of something when it's time for lights off that we need to get.
Here is what was in her bed Sunday night that she 'had' to have....
Her big pink slinky.....
Not to be confused with her little brown slinky....
This plastic phone that belongs to a toy she has.....
Her flashlight...
Her cell phone that does not get service.....but still holds charge.....and there is a picture of Lovey as her background on the phone....
One of Lovey's bottles....
Her Lovey, of course....
This squishy thing that lights up....
Her blankie....
Ladies and gentlemen....I present to you....
Her 'collection'......
And she is so proud, too. We told her to get on her bed and take a picture with all of her stuff....and she actually smiled.....and it's even a smile that doesn't look awkward!! :)
And just last night...we added a few new things.....
This play tamborine....
Another bottle for Lovey....
And her new favorite thing....her squishy ball! She came into my room this morning whining, "Mommy....Mommy....where is my squishy ball?"
And here we have yet another genuine smile!! I love this kid!!
And on another note.....doesn't she look so much like a little girl in these pictures? I don't know if it's just because we now have a little baby in the house.....but she is just getting so 'big' to me. I get a sunkin feeling in my stomach (but in a good way) when I look at this picture....because I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming....but at the same time....there's a part of her that will always be my baby.
Too funny!
And yes, she certainly looks like a little girl...getting so big! Such a doll!
Love her smiles... Glad you could get a good smile out of her in front of the camera!!
And wow lots of things she "must" have to go to bed. I don't know why but when I scrolled down and saw the flashlight picture I started busting out laughing. I don't know why!!
That first picture of her with her stuff is possibly the cutest picture I've seen of her. I know that is weird, but she looks so cute - and SO big! What a doll!
She is a special, beautiful little girl!
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