In the middle of January, I had posted some pictures of the nursery after we moved the furniture in. If you look back (or not)....there was nothing hanging above the crib. I wasn't in too big of a hurry to get anything on the walls (as you could probably tell by the fact that we finished the nursery less than 2 weeks before Grace's arrival), I just wasn't sure what to hang or where to hang it.
But Geoff had a great idea. He thought that we could get 3 canvases and have Parker paint on them however she wanted...then hang them beside each other on one of the walls. I was very impressed of his idea....and loved it....and I thought that they would look good above her crib.
How we did it....
Be bought 3- 12x12 canvases...
And cheap sponge brushes....
And the paint that sort of matches her quilt... (and this is the cheap stuff, too...about $1 a bottle)...
Then we let her go to town! We decided the best way was to only paint one color at a time...let it dry....then go back and paint another color so that the colors wouldn't bleed into, and mix with, each other....
She really liked squeezing the paint out, too....
Then she added the darker pink color....
Then the lighter pink color....
And this burgundy/maroon color. I am so disappointed. It turned out way too red....almost ruined the paintings, in my opinion.
But it was too late. We weren't going to go and buy more. They do look a little more red in these pictures than in person....but nonetheless...more red in real life than what we had wanted.
All of the painting you see above was done before Grace was born. The rest was done we have no pictures of this because...well...we had our hands full!
Once Parker was finished with her painting....Geoff went back and painted the edges of the canvases the plum/eggplant color.
We finally got around to hanging them on Tuesday.
The coloring is really off in this next picture. I was about to try to take another picture of this (while holding Grace, mind you)...when Parker decided it would be a good idea to get Grace's porcelain piggy bank off of the shelf in her closet and it inadvertently landed on her head had to tend to a crying toddler and kiss her head and make it all better. ;)
We like it. And we love the fact that Parker painted them (even though I don't think she realizes that she did them for her little sister. :) )
She did such a GREAT job!! They are beautiful paintings!! And better yet, they are from the heart to her baby sister!!! :)
I think they are perfect!
I think they are perfect!
What a great idea, I love it. I will have to try that with Reagan one day!
What a great idea! They look amazing! My daughter loves to paint and this is a great way for them to express their creativity! I am going to have her do something similar to decorate her room. Thanks!!!
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