Before I move on about our day....I just wanted to show this giant sunflower. As I have mentioned's at least 9 feet tall. Anyway....I didn't get out there when it was all's getting a little wilty now. I am ready to pull it out of the bed....but Geoff insists we wait until we have it's seeds. And I guess I agree. It's a long process. But there's just something really neat....perhaps amazing about it. I guess that's true with all forms of life. Moving on...
And I wanted to include this picture of Grace watching me water the garden through the window....just because I like it.
So today we had another good visit with my granny. Kristin and I try to take the girls every so often. At least every couple of months if not more.
The girls were pretty good on the car ride up.... (or down...actually, I think east)
We rarely get a picture of the girls with Granny because we wait to do the picture until almost time to go....when meltdowns are ensueing. So this time....Kristin was proactive and got all the girls in her lap 5 minutes into our visit.
We also wanted to get a picture of us with we enlisted the help of Parker. (Kristin snapped this with her camera because it was just too cute seeing her holding that big camera that's almost bigger than her head!)
And she did a pretty good job! I did have to crop it to make it centered....but hey.....who doesn't have problems centering their photos?? (Sister.....I had no idea until looking at these pictures that we were wearing the same shirt. I'm real observant like that. And also got a kick out of the fact that we were all wearing flags on our shirt. Hahahaha.!)
Then Parker got caught up in the moment and started taking pictures of Payton and Grace...
We've been visiting Granny during the week for lunch visits since Parker was little. Here's a little look back:
August 2008:
May, 2009

And many more visits inbetween, but I'll stop with those. Thanks for bearing with me as I took a stroll down memory lane. I tend to do that at times.
They always love to sit at this table that my Papaw built and color, play with cards, and who knows what else they do down there. We played on this table when we were little, too!
And as of today....they also like to take all of the chair cushions off of the kitchen chairs.....not sure what they were 'playing' when they did this?
One of Parker's
After Granny's.....we went back to the scrub store to pick up 2 more things....and we were going to go to Hobby Lobby to pick up something I need to finish up their 4th of July outfits....but it was just too hot! I was sweating, they were sweating, and we were done.
So we came home and I let them play with jello. I had originally made it and planned for them to play with it yesterday....but I was just too tired....mostly because I did not want to clean up the sticky mess. ;) I thought this might keep them busy while I cooked dinner. And it sort of did....
but then I was also left with this mess.....
I guess it was worth it, though, because I think they enjoyed themselves. After dinner, I steam cleaned the floors, gave them baths, picked up a bit....and they were both in bed a little early. 6:45am is too early for them to get up...not just because I want to sleep more (because I've been up before that the past 2 days, as well....I think my body is starting to confuse it's days with nights)...but because they need the sleep!!
Thank you, Granny, for another great lunch and wonderful visit! Love you.
Well I got teary eyed looking back.. I love looking back at pictures like that! They grow too fast, it's true!!
I got teary-eyed too. Time just keeps flying by...wonderful pictures though, ALL of them.
Oh Granny loves it all, so proud
of all my girls keep coming.
So sweet! Love all the pictures!! And, I love that short table with the stools. So cool!
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