This is a pretty random post. Just pictures out of my camera from the past week.
I feel like I've kind of been in a rut with taking pictures so I've been trying to make an effort.
So here's to a little effort....
Making waffles with Parker one morning before Grace got up. Little stinker thought she was so funny (and she was, I suppose)....I asked her to smile and she made this pose....
We are currently in the process of refinancing our house (will be SO glad when this is over!). I sat down to sign some papers...and Parker quickly grabbed her notepad and pen...and she signed her paper when I signed mine. ;)
I had to get one of this little gal, too!
I haven't been very good about doing activities with the girls lately. And on this particular day- I guess I didn't really do an activity. But I did do a little assessment (found from Confessions of a Homeschooler) to see if parker really knows her letters (upper and lower case). I thought she did....and I haven't really been too worried. Yes- she's 4. Yes- she's almost 5. But she'll just be in pre-k this coming year. And then I let this fear creep up...and I started wondering if she is really behind? And maybe she is....but knowing that she could identified her letters made me feel better on that day. (now that I write this time we'll do the sounds...haha)
Little Miss dancing around with Ken and Belle Barbie....
On Wednesday I had my great Aunt Pauline over for dinner. She brought us a box of brownies.....and so I made 'em. ;)
I let the girls lick the bowl. And this little gal would stick her whole hand in the bowl to wipe the sides clean and then placed her whole hand in her mouth!
Parker said, "Mommy?! Grace is putting her whole hand in the bowl to lick and getting it all!" Aunt Pauline and I laughed at the same time. Grace has got it figured out! haha
Aunt Pauline ended up giving Parker some pointers....and led her to a bit of batter left on the sides of the bowl....
Those pics made me smile! I sure have missed them this week!!!!!
Parker will be the smartest in her class you know! Love the licking the bowl! Made me smile too! As usual, all precious pictures!
Your girls and daily life here reminds me of our daily life :)
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