I've been slacking....so these pictures are from my phone over the past 2 weeks.
My sister and I threw a baby shower for my stepsister Kasey 2 weeks ago. So fun to do the girly things again since doing all of the boy stuff for Nolan.
Sweet boy's sweet little hand.
I know. I take a lot of picture of him sleeping. But it's so sweet. And I savor those moments.
Parker is so funny. We have my family over for dinner sometimes and she's started having a sign-in sheet when they arrive. They all glady oblige.
As he's getting older we're using this method a lot less....but for the days/moments when he's just so fussy and seems inconsolable....we turn on the blow dryer.....and within minutes....he's calmed down and sometimes even asleep.
This is the girls' new favorite way of wearing their hair. I don't mind it because it actually keeps the hair out of their face!
Parker amazes me with her creativity sometimes. One morning out of the blue she tried to tie these little cars to the bottom of her feet to make roller skates. The wheels in her head never stop spinning, I tell ya.
Uncle Brian (my brother) came over and spent some time with us.....he got some practice changing diapers. =)
Gramma and Poppa came over Sunday afternoon and watched the baby while Geoff and I took the girls to see a movie. So sweet of them to offer and spend their afternoon watching him. So blessed by my family and the help they give me (all of us!).
Nolan turned 2 months old this week.
He's grown SO much in just a month!
This past Monday I left Geoff with all 3 kiddos and headed out to a girl from work's baby shower and had a little girl time. And he did a great job.
Waiting at the pediatrician for his 2 month well-visit with my sweet boy.
I enjoyed making time and sewing the kids' outfits for the 4th.....
...and I think they turned out pretty cute! :)
Great pictures! I need to post all the ones from my phone too!!!
Those outfits are ADORABLE!!!
The shower looked super cute!
And the sign-in sheet...too funny!
You family is adorable! I loved taking pictures of my daughter when she was a sleeping newborn, too. Did you make your son's 1 and 2 month tie onesies? They are awesome! Im glad I found your blog through InstaFriday link up :)
Whitney @ work-it-mommy.blogspot.com
cute little girl hairdo and 4th outfits!!!
visiting from Insta-friday! <3 Traci Michele
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