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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Letter of the Week Ff

Not many (I know there are still a lot!) pictures this week.  All activities from Confessions of a Homeschooler Letter of the Week curriculum.

Fish size sort.

Love this girl more than words can say.

Measuring with goldFish.

Counting fish.  She had to identify the number on the card and put that many goldFish on the card.  She does really well with counting and 1:1 correspondence.  But we are still working on number recognition.  She just still has a problem with some numbers.

Putting the number cards in order.



Cut and paste.

Handwriting practice.

Coloring the Letter of the Week bracelet.

I know I don't always give her PreK my 100%…but I do cherish this time with her.


Viv said...

Every little minute counts more than you will ever know too!

Unknown said...

Grandma does "f is for five fish" in her DRAW WITH GRANDMA series. You'll find it at this page on her website. Just click on the F.


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