Ok- enough of that mumbo jumbo! Onto the Letter M! (We did M a few weeks ago…still trying to get caught up!)
Bub is just along for the ride in this family. :) And so he gets to do a lot of things that the girls do. No…he was not searching for the letter M in that letter maze….but he needed to have a page on his cookie sheet just like his sister. And he loved those magnets (yes, they are a choking hazard and I sit with him the whole time….the pacifier in his mouth also helps).
And those chubby little fingers!!!!

M&M week is fun. Especially since we get to eat M&Ms! Which is her favorite candy…and mine, too. :)
We are reeeeallly working on number recognition over here. :) So we lined the cards up and practiced again.
For dessert one night we made Monkey Bread.
At first it was just Grace and Nolan helping.
And then all 3 helped me!
Geoff was about to put this in the oven and asked me, "You don't want to take a picture of this?" Haha! Ummm….no…I think I'd better not remember that ALL of this butter went into this that I am about to devour.
We watch Letter Factory (which she loves) some…but I've also gotten her to watch a few episodes of Word World. Parker was CraZy about this show and so, naturally, I remember the names of the episodes and certain letters that were focused on. And there just so happens to be an episode called "M-m-m- milk!" So she watched that. :)
I love these Alex activity boxes. I asked for a few for Christmas from the grandparents and they come in handy! M is for Mosaic!
When I pull my camera out, I don't always ask them to smile…most of the time these days I don't…. because, really, I just want to capture the moment. But I guess I have her trained…because if I pull out my camera….there she is…smiling for me. ;) How pretty is she???
M is for Muffins! They aren't homemade, but they're pretty good!
M is for Magnets! Grace and Nolan had a lot of fun with these.
Then we took this magnet and tried to find things around the house that are magnetic. She did really well! I tried to get her to make predictions before testing….and she did sowell!
And then we did the 'science experiment!" Idea originally from Candy Experiments. You place an M&M in water…and all of the coloring and such 'disappears'…but the M stays intact and eventually floats to the top. Nolan got his own jar and thought he was so cool.
Initially- they were a little too rough with their m&m's and so the 'm' would break apart…so I eventually just put one in the jar. And we waited. And it finally happened!
She found the M!
I'm not sure if I mentioned this before…but we are having a little trouble identifying numbers 6,7, and 9. A good friend suggested to do more tactile things…which is great! I used sandpaper numbers similar to this when I used to teach and I do think they helped. So we are using them here and there.
I used Confession of a Homeschooler's Letter Palm Tree to do a little assessment of the letters she knows. She could identify all but 'Y'…but doesn't necessarily know all of the sounds consistently. So I'm going to try to work more on this.
Homeschool days. They're just flat-out hard sometimes. But oh so worth it!
And just being silly.
We did the following activities, as well, this week, but I have no pictures! I worked one day and Geoff did a few things with her. And then other times, I just don't pick up my camera. ;)
Letter Mm book for Rhymes also from The Measured Mom
I started introducing sight words. Her first week we did 'a'. I don't think I have any pictures. The second week we did 'the'. I've used a few printables like the Color by Number Sight Words from 1+1+1=1. We've also been using these wonderful FREE emergent readers from The Measured Mom. They are great and Grace loves to be 'reading' them!
And to keep it real…..the table at the end of a school day.
And please know, that while not pictured…the rest of my house looks the same! ;)
1 comment:
You're amazing sweet girl!
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