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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snow Days 2015

We've had snow a few times this week.  Monday we got freezing rain and ice….enough for school to be cancelled.  But the first day we got snow was Wednesday.  I was at work and Parker was at school….but the big beautiful flakes fell and Geoff took Grace and Nolan out to enjoy for a bit.  

These next 4 pictures are pretty funny.  Grace made a good-sized snowball….

…and threw it at Nolan….

….and he did NOT like it!

The snow was beautiful while it fell on Wednesday…but by the afternoon the sun had come out and melted away.

Friday.  More snow.  And accumulation!  I was home this day, but sick.  Grace came down with strep on Thursday.  I was already not feeling well on this day, but thought I'd just power through.  Well- Friday I woke up and was out of it.  So I went to the doctor and they gave me antibiotics for strep, as well…and thankfully woke up this morning feeling much better.  

So Geoff took them out to play.  He said they spent about 15 minutes getting everyone dressed…and then lasted less than 5 minutes!  Isn't that how it goes?

Then this morning they decided to give it one more try.  They did last a bit longer today.  ;)

These dinosaur boots!!!

Grace definitely has more pictures in this post that the other 2…I guess it's the way it turned out…but she had too many good ones not to post.

1 comment:

Viv said...

So sorry y'all were sick and so hope everyone is all better! Wonderful pics!


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