This week (or rather....the past 2 weeks)....we have done the letter M is for Mommy!! We took 2 weeks for this letter because a) we've been busy, b) I found so many activities....I had trouble narrowing them down, and c) I have about decided that we need to work on the same letter over a 2 weeks period for now.

M is for Marshmallow. I drew my own M and m on separate sheets of paper....and she glued the Marshmallows on. She loved this she was able to squirt out so. much. glue. ;)
The kind of funny part was that......she really loved the little m. Once I put the little m in front of her....she had nothing to do with the big M?

This was her finished big M...
And this was her little m. See what I mean?? ;)
M is for Mosaic!! I got this idea from Counting Coconuts here.
I made the M....then drew 1 inch squares....then cut 1 inch squares.....then let her glue them on with her glue stick. Again......she had the most fun playing with the glue! ;)
M is for Marble!! I also got this idea from Counting Coconuts here.
I drew a big M....then let her roll the Marbles in the paint....then paint the big M with the Marbles.

I ordered this Magnet does have small it is a choking hazard.....but we stay with her when she is using it...and she is not allowed to take anything from the table!
M is for Magnet!
I didn't really get into how and why a Magnet works with her (not really sure I know all of the logistics about it anyway)......but she did have so much fun sticking the magnets together....pulling them apart.....and even trying to put them together and couldn't when the poles were the same (which she had no idea why) ....but thats when they would move without being touched!
Anyway.....I feel like it was a good investment ($14.99).....I see us using this in the future.....for example....taking a magnet around the house and finding things that are magnetic.....I remember doing that in school myself.
You can see it in her face how much fun she had. And I had fun watching her learn and discover.

She said...."Look Mommy! It's a train!"
M is for M&M!! This next 'experiment' was an idea that I found from Confessions of a Homeschooler.....and is found at Candy Experiments.
You take M&Ms.
And place them in a cup of water.
Let them set. The colored coating on the M&M is water-soluble (dissolves in water).....whereas....the m is not (will not dissolve in water).
So we waited for all of the color to come off.....
And for the letter m to float to the top!! She was interested because this activity involved M&Ms.....while Geoff and I really learned something! Ha!

Her Milk and Muffins!
We also made Monkey bread!! She was definitely into eating the cinnamon-sugar mixture more than anything else....
Look at this oohey- gooy Mess! ;)
All done!

I got a new Music CD with fun kid Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes....and Mary had a little lamb, etc. But her favorite music these days are Sunday school songs like...Father Abraham and If You're Happy and You Know It and Jesus Loves Me. She goes around singing these all. day. long. It is really so sweet to hear, though.
Here....we are listening to her Music and she is 'dancing'. I have to smile (and kind of laugh) as I look through these pictures because I was just snapping away....and you can basically see how her movements went....
This next section consists of printables I got from Confessions of a Homeschooler. They are wonderful, to say the very least. Her site offers at least 1,500 free downloads full of letter of the week ideas and much, much more. She even has a great offer where you get all of her downloads for $10. It is money well spent, I will tell you!! She is a graphic designer and her stuff is amazing. Did I already say that?
Here is the big M and little m sort....

The first time we did it....she got a little confused and tried to match the m&m piece with the correct colored m&m on the paper. But after we did it together....she did it perfectly later in the week.

With this pattern can use real m&ms....or you can cut out the paper m&ms that she provides for this pattern activity....
Here....she is so proud of herself and we are cheering her on....

There are a few other printable activities we did from Confessions of a Homeschooler. Seriously....go visit this won't be sorry you did!
Here is the big M and little m sort....
The first time we did it....she got a little confused and tried to match the m&m piece with the correct colored m&m on the paper. But after we did it together....she did it perfectly later in the week.
With this pattern can use real m&ms....or you can cut out the paper m&ms that she provides for this pattern activity....
Here....she is so proud of herself and we are cheering her on....
There are a few other printable activities we did from Confessions of a Homeschooler. Seriously....go visit this won't be sorry you did!
Visit 1+1+1=1 too see what other moms are doing with their tots!
Visit Confessions of a Homeschooler for tons and tons of printables and so many neat ideas!!
I am also linked to The Attached Mama's
Fabulous week!
That magnet set is now in my amazon shopping cart. =o)
Such a good mommy you are to do all this with Parker!! Lots of cool and fun crafts and activities.
How fun! Love the M&M water experiment and the patterns with M&M's. I will be totally copying all your ideas soon! :)
What a great week! I was a speech pathologist before deciding to stay home with my girls and I had a magnet game that ALL the kids loved, loved, loved (it had a wand and little magnet coins to pick up)! I need to get that magnet set for my girls!
My favorite letter so far (maybe all that yummy food). Can't wait to do some of these activities!
Looks so fun! Awesome job Marla:) Such a wonderful Mommy! All this talk about M&M's Makes Me want chocolate!
Hi There,
I just wanted to let you know that I chose this idea as one of my favorite! You can read the write up here.
Thanks for participating in the Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection!! You have a great blog. However, one of the rules for participation is that you add a link (or button) back to the main collection. I may have missed it, but I don't see that on your blog. Could you please add it? :)
Your fan,
Cathy aka The Attached Mama
I "discovered" your blog over at "The Attached Mama", and may I just say, you are an EXCELLENT photographer!
Oh, and did your daughter get her dancing skills from the kiddos in the Charlie Brown Christmas Special? :0)
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