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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sweet Julie Rae...

Parker and I had the pleasure of spending the first part of our day babysitting Julie Rae (look at me...I made a rhyme!)--it doesn't take much to amuse me if you hadn't already been able to tell! Julie is my friend Jenny's new baby daughter (she also has an almost 2 year old daughter, Jenna, as well, but she was not with us this morning). It was just me, Parker, and Julie. I was excited to spend the time with her because since she was born a little over 2 months ago... and I have only really seen her once...and that was brief. It was also going to give me a chance to see how Parker may act with me holding and giving my attention to another baby...since Payton will be here so soon, after all. In the past when I have held other babies only briefly....and she has usually gotten a little whiny and clingy and wanted to sit my lap. But today- for some reason....she was absolutely it was normal. She would point to her often and say "Bah-bah! Bah-bah!" ...and then put her lips together and lean in to give her a kiss. I thought that was especially sweet since I did not even tell her to do was on her own free will! And eventhough it was so sweet- I didn't really let her kiss her because I didn't want Parker all in Julie's face.

And Julie was absolutely perfect! I am being totally honest in saying that for the whole time I was there...not one fit!! And so I just had to share these pictures because they are too sweet....

1 comment:

Kristin said...

She looks so sweet.. makes me really want Payton here now!!!


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