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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thoughtless Thursday...

I had originally planned on writing about something...but now it's the end of the day...and I'm feeling good...but I am drained. Too tired to think. Too tired to put those words together. I don't have the energy to write it. So it will have to wait. And what I was going to write about isn't even a big was just a thing to write about and it will be written...just later. So there. See how mumbly I am already?

But- it has been a while since I have plastered Parker's face all over a post (a whopping 5 days) I thought I'd post a few that I took this afternoon. And I know that they're pixelly and I am working on it...I just don't know what I'm doing!

Blowing a kiss to Momma....


Kristin said...

She is just the cutest thing, really. I love her so much!

Viv said...

She sure is the cutest little doll baby!


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