On December 16th- Parker and Payton had their Christmas choir concert at church. Unfortunately- I had to work and missed it.... but Geoff took lots of pictures for me! And he told me she did great!
The next day- Parker had her Christmas school play. Thankfully- I had this day off! I really did not want to miss her first ever school play!
Her school is about 75 students big (give or take)...and so all the kids participated. The music teacher did a wonderful job incorporating all of the kids...and I actually enjoyed listening to the music CD they gave us to listen to in the car. And we did listen to it. Over. And over. And over again. ;)
Parker's K4 class all dressed up as the barn animals in the manger. And Parker was a dove. A cute little dove.
And maybe it's just the hormones...but I wanted to tear up a few times during the program just because I love that Parker is taught the Word at school. That her Christmas school play wasn't just about giving...but the real reason for the season.
There she is waving at us...
You can see her face a little better here....
The rest of the stage. :) They had a dress rehearsal the morning of the program at school and when we got home that afternoon...Parker told me that she wanted to be an angel instead of a dove. Haha! I thought it was kinda funny, but made sense because she hadn't seen the other kids and their costumes before that day.
Our oldest little gal isn't so little anymore....
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