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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ten on Ten :: October 2013

+early, early morning start with this guy.  that's all right.  he's kinda cute.
+sisters.  a little woody the wood pecker on the iPad over a bowl of rice krispies
+first homeschool 'assignment' of the day. learning addition.  removing seeds from apples.
+taking seeds...and adding.  :)
+my 'just because' flowers from Geoff from earlier in the week.  so very blessed by him (and not just because of these flowers, but ALL that he does).
+her favorite thing these days.  playing school.  (not to be confused with 'going' to school.  haha!)
+afternoon at the library.
+apples.  for math.  and for an apple pie.
+me and my girls.
+my baby boy.  sitting up like a big boy.


ten on ten button

1 comment:

Viv said...

My goodness, he's sitting up like such a 'big' boy! All of the pics are precious as usual and the flowers so pretty! Smart, wonderful children!


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