Yes- our little girl is now 16 months old. I was just thinking tonight as I was putting Parker to bed, "when will I stop doing the month-by-month pictures? At 24 months? I can't see myself doing a 25 month post? But who knows...
Anyway- it's been an exciting month. We had a great Christmas and Happy New Year. Off the top of my head- there are 2 major things that have changed this month. Number 1: Parker is now taking one nap a day instead of two. We are still in our transition phase (or at least that's what I call it) because she is making it fine until after lunch, but then once she goes down for her one nap of the day, she wakes up after about an hour with a whine. Not a full on crying fit, but a whine. I made the mistake of going to get her after only a minute or so for a couple of days...and those nights were not the best (I guess you could say) then I tried to let her "whine-it-out" for about 4-5 minutes, and since, she has been going back to sleep...making it a good 2 hour nap (fingers crossed that this continues). She is also sleeping a little later now and sometimes going to bed a bit earlier. So in short (or long as you can see), she is sleeping the same amount , but at different times and in different increments. I was a bit nervous to let go of that morning nap (don't really know why), but she's really been great and it has actually helped in being able to plan our day a bit better around the 1 nap, rather than the 2.
The #2 thing that sticks out in my mind is how her vocabulary has really grown over the past month. And I was going to go into that right now with some examples, but I am tired and will have to save it for tomorrow (I hope tomorrow...otherwise it may never happen!).
So here are some pictures of Parker today at the park at 16 months old...
She was on the look-out for the dogs and the ducks. Seriously- she was SO loud and would just constantly say "DAH! DAH! DAH DAH DAH!!!" I laughed outloud. A lot.
And here's this pictures to show just how little our big girl really is...
Here's Daddy and Parker up close and personal with the duckies....we always forget the bread...maybe next time...
This is just a close up of her face from the picture above. She was so into these ducks. Every movement.
She didn't even freak out when the duck did this....
And then we decided to leave when she no longer wanted to walk around, but to merely play on these steps.
I would have been scared of the duck too, that surprises me that she didn't make her "face".... I can just hear her saying "dah..dahh..dahh...dah" so loud!! That's what she does when she plays with the ball popper at mom's.
I go walking some time at City Lake Park and the ducks and geese scare me to death sometimes! Goes to show you I'm 'chicken' compared to Miss Parker. She's just such a doll!
Love the pictures!
Absolutely love these photos...beautiful...
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