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Friday, April 24, 2009

Garner Nolan

My best friend, Jamie, had her baby boy today! She called me around 8:50 this morning. I was in class and my phone was on vibrate sitting in my bag. I normally don't even hear or feel the vibration because it's not very strong and there's quite a bit of padding in my bag. But for some I felt it...and heard it!

I quickly looked to see who it was as to not disturb anyone. Then noticed that it was a 254 area code and knew it was Jamie. I immediately walked out of class. I called her back and she told me she was 4 cm dilated and on her way to the hospital. I was so excited!

But then I had to go back to class??

Well- as you can imagine...I could no longer concentrate. I was already making the plans in my head on how I could miss my afternoon class....who would watch Parker (luckily Geoff was off tonight) if Kristin went into labor, I would only be an hour and a half away.....and that I knew in my mind that I had to go.

SO- I stayed for my morning class and a group meeting that I had after my morning friend, Kristen, that sits next to me in class...recorded my afternoon class and is going to download the lecture onto my iPod. Geoff gave me his blessing to leave him and Parker. I felt confident that I would only be gone for the evening and I would have plenty of time to get back in case Kristin went into labor (which she has not, as of now).

And I made it!

I got there around 3pm. And then she had dear, sweet Garner Nolan Ochoa at 4:48pm.... weighing in at 8 pounds, 1 ounce and 21 inches long! He's absolutely adorable! I am so glad that I was able to see her before he was born...and then to be there to see him on his birth-day!

Both Mom and Baby are doing great! And big sister Abby was such a trooper, as well! She got to the hospital about 20 minutes after he was born....and although she was a little leary at only took her a few minutes to warm up and start giving her baby brother kisses! It was so sweet.

Ok- I'll hush up so you can see the pictures now.... :)

And one more thing....just to let you know...these are pictures of a fresh..... 23-minute-old baby.....Enjoy!

Jamie and I before delivery....

The proud parents before delivery.....(Jamie and Angelo)

Drum roll, please........

....for the first time ever on this blog.....
(minus the picture at the very top of this post...I couldn't help myself...)

Garner Nolan Ochoa

And next..... the proud daddy (I got a little photoshoppy with this just felt right....but I'm second-guessing it now...)
ANYWAY....isn't this so sweet??

But I think this one is one of my favorites.....

This is Abby with her Mee-maw (Jamie, please forgive me if I butchered the spelling...:)
This whole day/afternoon was just filled with sweetness....

Aunt Marla and Garner....ummm.....I didn't do upset.....but he kinda looks like I did! But don't worry...I started patting his bottom and swaying and he became quiet almost immediately....(until he decided to cry again...:)

Are you ready for your close-up?

I absolutely love this next words to describe it...

Introducing their family of FOUR...
(with Meemaw holding Abby because she wasn't quite sure of everything just yet....)

But here she is...minutes her baby brother kisses....

I love this picture, too! This is Angelo's parents (on the left), Jamie's mother (holding Garner) then Angelo with Abby....all admiring baby Garner...

One baby down, and one to go (Kristin's baby will be here on or before Tuesday)!!

Congratulations to you, Jamie, and to your beautiful family! We love ya'll!


Kristin said...

Very sweet!! Conrgrats to Jamie, Angelo, and Abby!!

Viv said...

Give them our Congrats please, what a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the pictures! He's precious! I can't wait to meet him. I am glad you made it there before he was actually born. One baby born, one to go! What an exciting week for you.


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