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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

She definitely has a mind of her own...

One night last week, it was just Parker and me at home. We had already eaten was 5:30pm...we had been housebound most of the time for the past few weeks due to the rain...and I was trying to figure out what exactly we were going to do for the remainder of the evening until bed time.

So we did the only logical thing. We went to Lowe's. (it really wasn't a logical thing, per se...but I did need a few what the hay!)

Anyway- I told her we were going to go "Byebye" and "to the store" and that "we needed to put our shoes on."

To which she replied, "Shoos? Byebye?"

To which-- she went and picked up my shoes and brought them to me...

To which I replied, "Thank you! Now let's go to your room and get your shoes."

To which...she did. Only. She got these shoes....

And it's really no big deal. And, believe me.... I did try to put on her white sandals that might have been a little more appropriate for the weather and the outfit.

But....what can I say...

She put up a fight...quite literally....

and there is no question now....

(not that there ever was....)

She definitely....

...has a mind of her own!

And that's a good thing. Right? about....most of the time. :)


Viv said...

It is a very good thing that she has a mind of her own. I know ya'll let her know what's right from wrong and that's what matters. As to being worried about what shoes to wear to Lowes they were perfect! She got to wear what she wanted and what's wrong with a girl getting to wear the shoes she wants to wear to Lowe's. When a girls feet are happy she is happy!

Kristin said...

That is too cute!! She is looking more and more like you each day!!

Kelli @ Our Growing Family said...

So funny! Stories like that are what makes having a blog so great. One day Parker will enjoy seeing that!

I agree with Kristin. She is looking more and more like you! Did you color her hair?..jk! It is getting lighter!

Jodie said...

It is a good thing and good for you for letting her wear them!


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