On Monday through Wednesday this week I attended a review class for a test called HESI that I will be taking in October... and that I have to pass before I am able to graduate. They were loooong days...but they are over now!
And tomorrow...we are leaving for our first official family vacation!!! About a week and a half ago I decided that we needed to take Parker to the beach (and then I discussed it with Geoff, of course, to make sure that he agreed....and he did! ;). With the move, the new semester about to start, and all of the stuff going on with the new baby...we just decided that a vacation would be nice. And we are very excited! We are going to Galveston because it is the closest beach to us (I think) and that equals less time in the car with an almost 2 year old. (I see you all nodding your head in agreeance.)
However...Parker has not really been at her finest for the past few days...so I am hoping the beach will make her happy??? We've been talking about the beach (eventhough I am pretty sure she really has no idea what we are talking about)...and about what we'll see.. "wha-ter!" and "sand" and "the baby" (to which she is referring to Payton...who really will not be there...but she'll figure that one out pretty quick!)
My plan is to try to post while we are there...but I am known for sometimes having these grandiose ideas in my head that never come to fruition...so we'll see!
But for now...I'll leave you with some pictures from Saturday morning. Parker found her tutu...then started yanking on her sleeper and saying "off! off!"...so I took it off and she put this on. She was sooo happy...running and dancing around....
Running and smiling...
...throwing a fit because I wouldn't let her see "the baby" on the camera screen... Well- she likes to push ALL of the buttons...and is it just my kid...or do kids just seem to have the oiliest fingers that smudge everything that they touch?
...she quickly got over that when she saw her shoes...
...this kid's a pretty good multi-tasker...putting on her shoes AND watching TV...
...running and dancing...and smiling...
...oh...the TV again....
...so enthralled...
...I don't even know what was on...
...she reminds me of her daddy...
...it must have been a really good part here...
...and back to the dancing and twirling and smiling...
...I love this kid so much it hurts.
Those are really good pictures.. you do so good!! You need to take Payton's pictures soon!!
And I know the feeling.. you love her so much it hurts!! Brings tears to my eyes thinking of it!
I hope ya'll have a wonderful trip and ya'll deserve to get away and enjoy your time with Parker. I can't wait to see the pictures, and I will miss you and see you when you get back!!!
I just reread my comment... could I type AND anymore?? sorry
Precious pictures! Hope ya'll have a wonderful safe trip!
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