Well....we made it to the fair this year! We haven't been since 2005....when we were engaged. I guess every year since then we've had babies or something going! My mom and Terry and Krisitn and Phil did take Parker last year, but this was our first year to go as a family.
And we had a great time.
The crowd was horrendous. But despite that, we still had a wonderful time. Hopefully making memories (I know I've been saying this a lot lately) and traditions that the girls will remember forever (well- mostly Parker for now).
Parker and Payton first rode these motorcycles. Parker loved it. Payton hated it. We joked that we ruined Payton for the night, but she proved us wrong and rode a few other rides.
The next ride...
Geoff rode with Parker and I rode with Grace.....it was her first ever 'ride'....at the fair or anywhere. It was the flying Jumbos ride. She loved it.
Geoff rode with Parker and I rode with Grace.....it was her first ever 'ride'....at the fair or anywhere. It was the flying Jumbos ride. She loved it.
Love this picture of us.
She just looked and looked around. Taking it all in. When the ride stopped, she said, "Ah-den {again} Momma." So sweet in her sweet, soft voice.
From here, Parker and Payton rode a few other rides. Then all 3 girls rode the whale ride. Grace was looking forward to this so much.....she was so excited. Until the ride started. She didn't full out cry, but whined pretty good the whole time.
Stopped in front of Big Tex for a family pic.
I don't know how many times I thought that I was so thankful that we went with Phil and Kristin. It was like it took all 4 of us to wrangle the 3 girls!
Parker's #1 request....cotton candy. And she even shared with her sister {upon which, she quickly put up because she's smart like that and knows she can save it for tomorrow when Grace is napping). Grace's first cotton candy. Her smile. ;)
We ventured into the auto show and realized that we had really wasted our money on all of the previous rides that we let the girls ride, because getting in and climbing in all of the cars was what held their true joy. (just like on their first birthday....they love the box more than the gift, ha!) We had to do some hoaxing with the cotton candy just to get us out of the auto show.
We finished off the ride with these swings. Grace is just over 32 inches and got to ride. There were no tears from any girl. Grace was so funny because she was frozen as soon as the ride started...and she would look at us...but only her eyes moved. ;)
It was a great day. It ended with 3 tired girls and 4 broke tired parents. If only the girls would sleep later since they went to bed later? We all know it doesn't work this way. It seems that the later they go to sleep, the earlier they wake? Ahhh....these are the days....
I am so glad ya'll went to the Fair. Guess we are going to pass this year but I'm almost 62 years old and still remember our parents taking us. Wonderful memories and wonderful pictures!
We are so glad we went too, so much fun! Thanks for letting us tag along!! And yes, broke parents is right!!!! :)
What a super fun day!
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