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Thursday, April 12, 2012

First trip to the nail salon: A date with Mommy

On Monday I put Grace down for a nap.  

Then Geoff decided to take a rare nap.  

And so I decided to take Parker and myself to get a pedicure.  I still had the gift certificate that Kristin gave me TWO years ago to get a pedicure and it was way overdue to be used!  {Not to mention the fact that my feet were really in desperate need.  I just can't trim and whatever else they do like they do.  I decided after this trip that they are a must and that I should never go this long before my next!}.

So this was Parker's first time ever.  I didn't really prepare her- I just told her we were going to get her nails painted.  They didn't really give her a pedicure, they just painted her toes and nails.

She didn't sit right next to me....and I probably should have said something, but we were almost straight across from each other.  And it was so funny because the lady just started painting her toes....and my feet were starting to soak in the water.  She said quietly, "Mommy?......Why are your feet in water?"  And not long after my answer...she said, "Why aren't my feet in water?"

So next time maybe she can get a 'junior' pedi, as they call it.  ;)

About 15 minutes after we got home, Grace was up from her nap.  I went in and got her, then joined Geoff and Parker who were watering the plants in the front yard.  The very first thing Grace said was, "Par-ter's toes are payt-ed.  I want my toes pay-ted!"  She doesn't miss a beat, I tell ya!  

So we came inside and Geoff painted her toes and fingers, making her so happy.

And really- everyone was happy until Geoff was cleaning up and accidentally dropped the polish and it shattered.

There is still residual purple left in our grout.  ;(
I'm sure we can still get it out.  Right?

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