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Saturday, April 7, 2012

week-ending update

We got our caterpillars in the mail this week.  They've already grown so much.  I'll have to say- that I am a little disappointed this year.  The first year we did this....I think all 5 caterpillars made it into a butterfly.  This year- we only have 3 caterpillars.  Oh well.  It's still fun.

Geoff and the girls did a caterpillar craft this morning and I am hoping to get a few more in before they become a butterfly!


We worked out in the flower beds a little this week before the storms blew in.  This is the before picture.  I had planned to take an after picture but it started raining.  Geoff trimmed the hedges and we planted some marigolds.  Can't wait for everything to grow in.

We picked up these gardening gloves last year and I don't think I ever used them.  Well I did this week and I LOVE them.  It made it so much easier pulling the weeds and my hands did not hurt and they stayed clean!  It seems kind of silly to mention- I'm sure most everyone already uses gloves, but it seems as though it took me a while.  ;/

We are doing a very low key garden this year.  Just picking cucumbers (even though we have not even prepared the bed yet, but maybe within a few weeks?).  But we ended up picking up this cherry tomato plant.  We don't have good luck with tomatoes, it seems.  But maybe this year?


And....I spent a few weeks (waaaay too long) debating on what fabric to get for the girls Easter dresses....and decided upon this Nicey Jane by Heather Bailey.  I got it in a few weeks ago and pretty much finished Parker's dress a week ago.  But I just haven't been able to finish Grace's.  I'm so worn out that {gulp}- I am not going to finish their dresses in time for Easter!  Life will go on....

It's really beautiful fabric and these pictures do not do the fabric justice.  I do plan to still finish them.  Eventually.  ;)


Looking forward to Easter tomorrow!

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